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Is it effective to do kintore every day? Explain training intervals and supercompensation!



People who have just started muscle training tend to do muscle training every day because they are enthusiastic. However, in fact, daily muscle training can be counterproductive. Get the right knowledge about kintore and learn how to get the ideal body you are aiming for.

Should I do kintore every day?

People who are just starting muscle training or who are just starting out may be wondering, “Do I need to do muscle training every day?” From the guts theory, it seems that daily training can be expected to improve muscle strength and basal metabolism, but this is not always the case. If you do the wrong muscle training, the effect will be diminished, so be sure to do it the right way.

Daily muscle training is counterproductive

Daily muscle training is not effective in increasing muscle strength and improving basal metabolism. Daily strength training can lead to injuries and, conversely, inefficient strength training. What you need to be aware of when you want to improve your muscle strength efficiently in a short time is “supercompensation”.

What is “supercompensation” that you should know if you are training?

Gym trainers and those familiar with muscle training are familiar with this “supercompensation” and practice efficient muscle training. People who do supercompensation every day without knowing supercompensation will be doing very inefficient muscle training, so let’s learn about “supercompensation” first.

Supercompensation mechanism

Muscle training temporarily destroys the muscle fibers in the area where you trained. After that, with enough rest, the muscle fibers in the destroyed area will recover, and the total muscle mass will try to be higher than before the muscle training. This work is called “supercompensation”.

Supercompensation is the key to effective muscle training

Use the supercompensation mechanism to get enough rest after muscle training and start muscle training again when muscle mass increases. And again, take enough rest and do muscle training. This repetition will maximize the effect. However, if you do nothing for a while after supercompensation causes the muscles to become hypertrophied, the muscles will begin to contract, so rest intervals are important.

What is the estimated time to supercompensation?

It is generally said that it takes 48 to 72 hours from the destruction of muscle fibers by muscle training to the start of supercompensation. This is the reason why you shouldn’t do muscle training every day because it takes time to do the next muscle training.

Effective training <load>

The amount of muscle training that you do in a day is also an important point for effective training. Supercompensation is based on the premise that muscle fibers are destroyed by muscle training, but in order to destroy muscle fibers, it is necessary to perform muscle training with an equivalent load. If this is not done, even supercompensation will not occur, so no matter how much muscle training you do, there is no point.

What is the guideline for effective training load?

If you want to practice effective training, try to stress your muscles to the point where you feel “moderate muscle soreness.” The process by which muscles are damaged by muscle training and then recover is called supercompensation, because muscle soreness is evidence of supercompensation. You’re overdoing muscles that can interfere with your daily routine, but if you feel your muscles are a little taut, it’s evidence that you’re doing muscle training with the right load.

Weight training or self-weight training?

If you want to do efficient strength training with an awareness of supercompensation, weight training is more effective than self-weight training. This is because weight training makes it easier to pinpoint the muscles you want to train, and with the help of equipment, you can train with a higher load than self-weight training. Weight training refers to training with muscle training equipment in the gym and training with dumbbells.

Difference between self-weight training and weight training

  • Self-weight training: Training by exerting a load on the muscles according to your own weight without using muscle training equipment such as push-ups and squats.
    • Weight training: By using the equipment for muscle training in the gym etc., you can borrow the weight of the equipment and train by putting a load on the muscles.


    Effective training <time zone>

    When aiming for effective training, the time zone for muscle training is also important. It is difficult to spend time for muscle training in your daily life, but be aware that the effect will vary depending on the time of day.

    When is the best time to do muscle training?

    The best time of day for muscle training is in the evening. A person’s body temperature generally rises in the evening, making it suitable for exercise and strength training. In the evening, it is recommended that you can drop in at the gym on your way home from work. However, kintore on an empty stomach before dinner is counterproductive. Since you will be doing muscle training without energy in your body, you will instead work to break down muscle proteins and weaken your muscles.

    What time zone should I not train?

    Unsuitable times for muscle training are immediately after waking up in the morning and just before sleeping at night. Immediately after waking up in the morning, the body temperature has not risen completely and the body is in a slackened state, so even if you do muscle training, it will not be an efficient training. Also, muscle training just before sleep is not recommended. Exercising hard before sleep stimulates the sympathetic nerves and makes it harder to fall asleep. Be careful as it interferes with your sleep.

    Effective training <frequency>

    If you want to train efficiently, you may be wondering how long you should spend on muscle training. It is difficult to balance daily work, housework, and study, and it is difficult to devote a lot of time to kintore. In order to improve your muscle strength efficiently in a short time, remember the appropriate frequency and time of muscle training.

    What is the ideal time for muscle training?

    The ideal time for muscle training in a day is about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Continued stress on your muscles over a long period of time can cause severe and painful muscle aches and injuries. Especially for beginners who are just starting muscle training, it is necessary to be careful because they do not have enough muscle strength to withstand long-term muscle training.

    Menu for daily muscle training

    When training with supercompensation in mind, it is not desirable to do muscle training every day, but it is possible by changing the part to be trained. Recommended when you want to do muscle training efficiently.

    Example of muscle training menu (emphasis on muscle hypertrophy)

    Small muscles such as the abdominal muscles take a short time to supercompensate, so kintore at intervals of every other day is recommended. Also, for the pectoralis major muscles that are trained by push-ups and the quadriceps muscles that are trained by squats, it takes a long time to supercompensate, so do muscle training every 2 to 3 days. 

    Example of kintore menu (emphasis on body tightening)

    If your goal is to tighten and lose weight, include aerobic exercise such as running in your menu. In order to lose weight, in addition to training, be careful about factors other than training, such as eating a diet that suppresses carbohydrates, sugars, and fats and consumes a large amount of protein. 

    A useful tool for training

    There are some useful items to have when training at home or in the gym. Even if you are just starting training, you can use it even if you do not have specialized knowledge, so please try to arrange it.

    Yoga mat

    It is useful to have a yoga mat when training at home. When training on the floor such as the abdominal muscles and back muscles, if you do muscle training with your body in direct contact with the floor, it may cause damage to your body. The yoga mat has a compact size and does not get in the way even when you are in the house.


    By ingesting protein during supercompensation, muscle hypertrophy can be achieved efficiently. Protein is high in protein, so it’s recommended for people who just want to get pure protein without extra nutrition.


    In your own weight training at home, you will not be able to put a heavy load on your muscles with your own weight alone, so you will be able to use dumbbells to put a stronger load on your muscles. Use it when your muscles have become accustomed to the load of self-weight training and you can no longer feel the heavy load.

    Daily muscle training with the original menu

    For those who want to improve their muscle strength efficiently by doing muscle training every day, try muscle training while changing the part of the muscle to be trained little by little every day. Also, when you are just starting muscle training, the effect does not appear immediately. By doing it steadily, the effect will gradually become visible. Don’t give up even if it doesn’t work right away, let’s take on the challenge persistently.

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Unlock the Power of Hip Thrust Belts



Hip Thrust Belts

Are you sick and tired of suffering from pain and insecurity when you work out your lower body? If so, you’re in good company. These problems are common among fitness lovers and affect both newcomers and veterans alike. The hip thrust belt, however, has become increasingly popular in recent years as a viable remedy.

Benefits of Using a Hip Thrust Belt

Improved Workout Efficiency

A hip thrust belt is designed to help you get the most out of your exercises. It helps you exercise more comfortably and steadily by reducing strain on your lower back and hips as you move. You’ll be able to work your muscles harder and more quickly, improving your fitness.

Enhanced Comfort and Support

The convenience it provides is one of the best reasons to use a hip thrust belt. Because to the belt’s padding and support, you won’t have to worry about any pain during your workout.

Reduction of Discomfort

It’s usual to have lower back discomfort when doing activities like hip thrusts or squats. By relieving pressure on the lower back, a hip thrust belt makes it possible to workout without pain.

How to Choose the Right Hip Thrust Belt

Material and Durability

Think about the quality of the material and how long it will last when shopping for a hip thrust belt. The best fitness belts are made from high-quality, long-lasting materials like neoprene or nylon.

Size and Fit

When it comes to support and comfort, nothing beats a belt that fits just right. Choose the size that corresponds with your waist measurement using the manufacturer’s given sizing chart.

Adjustability and Versatility

Depending on your preference, you may alter the tightness of an adjustable belt. This flexibility is especially valuable when hopping from one workout to another.

Using a Hip Thrust Belt Correctly

Warm-Up and Stretching

It’s important to warm up and stretch before utilising a hip thrust belt so that your muscles are ready for the exercise. This reduces the potential for harm and ensures a more fruitful workout.

Proper Placement

Check that the belt is snug around your hips and lower back. This will provide you the most comfort and support.

Maintenance and Care

Hip thrust belts may last for years with proper cleaning and attention per the manufacturer’s guidelines. If you keep up with the maintenance, it will last for years without a hitch.

Hip Thrust Belt Exercises

Glute Bridges

Glute bridges benefit greatly from hip thrust belts. You can strengthen your glutes to get the most out of your workout without worrying about straining your lower back or hips.

Hip Thrusts

These belts really come into their own during hip thrusts, as the name implies. Because they make the action more natural and pleasant, hip thrusts become more efficient and pleasurable to do.


Supportive hip thrust belts are useful even for squats since they alleviate pressure on the lower back and encourage proper technique.

Real User Experiences

Feedback from actual customers is priceless. Hip thrust belts have been shown to increase comfort, posture, and the effectiveness of exercise for many people. Their results show the potential benefits of including these belts into your workout programme.


Adding a hip thrust belt to your lower body exercises might help you reach your fitness goals much faster. You can work out for longer and harder because of the enhanced comfort, support, and stability they give. By using a hip thrust belt, you may eliminate pain and improve the stability of your workouts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do hip thrust belts work?

A hip thrust belt helps by stabilising your hips and lower back while you work out. They make it easier to use your muscles because they alleviate stress and pain.

2. Are hip thrust belts suitable for beginners?

In order to reduce the likelihood of damage during training, hip thrust belts are recommended for novices.

3. Can hip thrust belts replace traditional workout equipment?

While hip thrust belts can be helpful, they should not be used in place of more conventional exercise tools. They are an excellent supplement to your current exercise programme.

4. What are the safety considerations when using hip thrust belts?

Make sure the belt is snug and at the right place. First, get warmed up, and then keep your form in check while you work out. Use only as directed by the manufacturer.

5. Where can I purchase a high-quality hip thrust belt?

Quality hip thrust belts may be purchased from any respectable gym supply store or on the web. Find products that have earned high ratings for quality and comfort.


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Cleaning laundry

Efficient cleaning! Introducing tips and schedules for general cleaning!



Save time and energy with an efficient and tidy cleaning method. Here are some tips for successful general cleaning, from the cleaning tips and order that can be used in daily cleaning to how to make a schedule that is useful for general cleaning. Let’s spend comfortably in a room that has been cleaned by cleaning.

Let’s clean up efficiently

It feels good to spend time in a clean room. Cleaning and keeping it clean also contributes to the health of yourself and your family. However, if you live a busy life, it can be difficult to stay motivated to clean. Especially when it comes to general cleaning. Save time and energy by cleaning the tricks in an efficient way and in order.

Tips for efficient general cleaning

Let’s hold down the knack and do the general cleaning well. There are some points to keep in mind in order to proceed with general cleaning efficiently. It is a knack that can be used not only for general cleaning but also for daily cleaning. Try to incorporate the one that suits your home and lifestyle.

Tips ① Do simple cleaning every day

Dust and clean up every day as much as possible. If dust accumulates and hardens, it will take time to remove it during general cleaning. Even if you can’t vacuum every day, use a wiper, cloth, or other tool to remove dust from your furniture and floor. Also, if you make it a habit to put away the used items in their original positions, you can save time when cleaning up.

Use a damp wiper or cloth

If you use a dry wiper or cloth to remove dust, it may cause dust to fly up. However, if water remains after wiping, it will damage furniture and floors. The best choice is a moderately wet wiper or cloth. Use a commercially available wet wipe or squeeze it tightly after wetting it with water before removing dust. Moisture adsorbs dust.

Tip ② Clean in an efficient order

Decide where to start cleaning. The order of efficiency is “top to bottom” and “back to front”. Clean from a high place near the ceiling toward the floor, and from the back of the room toward the entrance. When wiping the shelves, it is efficient to wipe them from the back toward your hands. You can keep it clean by cleaning the lights and then cleaning the floor last, including any dust that has fallen.

Tip ③ Hold down the points and clean

It may not be realistic to thoroughly polish everywhere with a general cleaning. In such a case, try to keep the points down for cleaning. Focus on cleaning areas that are easily visible when dirty. For example, if the metal part is shining, it looks well cleaned. It is also a good idea to clean the drains and ventilation fans in order, which cannot be cleaned normally, and use the remaining areas for regular cleaning.

Wipe the metal parts to finish

You want to keep metal parts such as faucets and sinks shiny. The recommended goods for cleaning metal parts are melamine sponges. Wet the melamine sponge with water and then wipe the metal parts to make it shiny easily. After removing the water stains, wipe it off with a dry cloth. If you leave it wet, it will quickly form scale. If possible, you can keep it shiny by wiping the metal parts with a dry cloth every day.

Tip ④ Use different tools

Make good use of tools according to the type of dirt and cleaning goods according to the location. Citric acid and acidic detergents are effective for alkaline stains such as water stains, and baking soda and alkaline detergents are effective for acidic stains such as oil. Baking soda and citric acid can be used for multiple stains, and even 100% can be easily obtained, so it is recommended. It’s convenient to keep all the tools you need for cleaning in a bucket, which saves you the trouble of picking up the tools.

Use the tools in your house as cleaning goods

Even if you don’t bother to buy cleaning goods, the tools you have at home will be useful enough. For example, toothbrushes and disposable chopsticks are useful for removing fine dust and dirt. Old stockings and socks can be used for wiping and thrown away. If you use work gloves instead of a rag and wipe it clean, it will be easier to clean the details with your fingers. Newsprint and used cloth are also useful goods, so please keep them in stock at home to some extent.

Schedule a general cleaning

Scheduling is essential for efficient cleaning. If possible, schedule a general cleaning early, not after the general cleaning time. Roughly, let’s list what to do with general cleaning. Since large dust is likely to be generated during general cleaning, it is smooth to decide the cleaning date after knowing the dust collection date.

Scheduling is the heart of cleaning!

Make a detailed schedule for the day of the cleaning based on a rough list that you have decided in advance. Since general cleaning focuses on cleaning a wider area than usual, it is important to schedule where, in what order, and how to clean. If possible, make a cleaning list for each room. You can prepare the necessary items in advance by writing the necessary goods in the list, referring to the tips for general cleaning.

The time of general cleaning is not always the end of the year

The end of the year is the norm when it comes to cleaning, but not all rooms need to be cleaned at the end of the year. The time when it is easy to clean depends on the place to be cleaned. For example, if you want to wash large items such as bedding and carpets, we recommend the sunny and crisp autumn season when the laundry dries more easily than in the middle of winter. Cleaning windows and baths may be easier in the spring and summer when using water is not a pain. It is also a good idea to schedule a cleaning period for each room.

Points for cleaning by location

Even if you say general cleaning in a bite, the cleaning method and tools used will change depending on the room. Of course, the points of efficient general cleaning also change from place to place. If you know what to do for cleaning each place and the points, it will be helpful when making a schedule. When cleaning any place, please take good care of the tips.


Take out what is in the refrigerator or cupboard and wipe the inside of the shelf clean. Please take this opportunity to check if there are any foods that have expired. If you can move appliances such as microwave ovens and rice cookers, remove the dust that collects on the back and underneath the machine. Since the electrical appliances themselves are also unexpectedly dirty, wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in water diluted with detergent. It is also recommended to use a disinfectant wet wipe.

Clean sink and drain

Clean the inside of the sink and drain when cleaning. Baking soda is effective for slimy drains and odors. When you finish your kitchen work, you can disinfect it by running water diluted with bleach to prevent slime and odor. The sink can be scratched by rubbing it with a metal scrubbing brush, so use a soft sponge to polish the inside of the sink. Melamine sponge is also a convenient item for cleaning the sink.

Alkaline detergent to remove oil stains

The main part of cleaning the kitchen is cleaning oil stains on the stove and ventilation fan. Alkaline detergent is effective for persistent oil stains. If both oil and charring are stuck to the gas stove’s trivet, soak it in a detergent solution dissolved in lukewarm water for a while. If you’re worried about using chemicals because it’s a place to handle things that get in your mouth, it’s safe to use baking soda instead of detergent.


Cleaning the living room starts from the top, cleaning the lights. If the sofa cover or cushion is made of cloth and can be removed, wash it. If you can’t wash it, vacuum it carefully. Even large fabrics such as curtains and rugs should be washed on a sunny day when the laundry is easy to dry. The stain on the wall may be erased with an eraser, so please try it once.

Flooring cleaning points

Clean the flooring along the grain. This is to prevent dust and dirt from entering the wood grain. Vacuum the flooring and wipe it with a rag. At this time, if you use rice broth and rag it, the flooring will be glossy. Some woods cannot be wiped with water, so check the material before cleaning. Finally, wax it to finish. Waxing not only gives a glossy finish, but also makes it less likely to get dirty or scratched.

Focus on carpet cleaning

Carpets are a place where dust can easily collect. If the entire room is covered with carpet, vacuum it carefully by reciprocating the vacuum cleaner many times around the doorways and places where people always pass. To remove stains and odors from the carpet, it is recommended to spray the baking soda solution diluted with water on the entire carpet and wipe it. Please note that the care method depends on the material of the carpet.

The bedroom

Take something out of the closet and vacuum or wipe the inside of the closet clean. At this time, dispose of the unused items that are sleeping in the closet. Bedding should be washed and mattresses should be carefully vacuumed to remove dust. Mites and dust are the cause of allergies. Be aware of frequent vacuuming and bedding changes to avoid collecting dust on a regular basis.

Don’t forget to clean the windows

When the window glass is exposed to light, it is reflected and dirt is hard to see, so it is recommended to use a cloudy day when cleaning the window. The main cause of window dirt is mud and dust, and it is a place where persistent dirt is hard to get on. Therefore, it can be cleaned cleanly without using detergent. If it is very dirty, it is a good idea to use carbonated water. After wiping with water, wipe it dry, and finally use newspaper to wipe off any rag fibers or debris left on the window.

Bath · Toilet

Because the bath and toilet are places that we use every day, we want to clean them carefully and thoroughly during general cleaning. Take out what is in the bath / toilet and clean the shelves. The wall of the toilet is especially often overlooked. There are splashes of water and dirt on the walls of the toilet. Cleaning the walls may reduce the odor of the toilet. Mold on the rubber packing of the bath can be removed with a chlorine spray or oxygen bleach.

Citric acid to remove water stains

Dirt on baths and toilets such as water stains and sebum is alkaline stains. Citric acid is effective for cleaning alkaline stains. If you use water containing citric acid as a spray, you can use it not only for cleaning baths and toilets, but also for cleaning the entire house.

Get the hang of it and make your home shiny!

There was a knack for a successful general cleaning. Let’s use the tips for everyday cleaning. If you get the hang of it with regular cleaning, general cleaning will be easier. If you make a schedule or write out a list so that you can see the cleaning status, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. Let’s spend a refreshing day in our shiny home with efficient cleaning.

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Explain the charm and precautions of running at night and early morning! Is it recommended to drive on an empty road?



“Running” is often done to improve health and diet. But I’m too busy to take time, I’m embarrassed and I don’t want people to see me … Isn’t that why you’re a three-day priest? Even such a person is okay at night and early in the morning! We have summarized the appeal, precautions, and countermeasures for “night / early morning running”.

Enjoy running at night and early in the morning

Running is said to have various health effects. But I think there are many people who get late after work or don’t get into the habit. I will summarize the attractiveness of running at night and early morning, which is easy for such people to adopt, as well as precautions and countermeasures.

The effect and charm of running

First, let’s take a look at the effects and appeal of running, regardless of the time of day. As an exercise habit and as a hobby, there are various effects and charms.

Suitable for diet

Maybe there are many people who want to start running for a diet. Aerobic exercise is essential for building a slim and healthy body. Aerobic exercise has the nice effect of “breaking down fat.” Swimming and aerobics are also effective, but running that anyone can easily do is steadfastly popular. Also, by building muscle, you can increase basal metabolism and build a body that is easy to lose weight.


Healthy body building and exercise habits

Exercise habits have the effect of reducing or improving the risk of lifestyle-related diseases. Applying moderate stimulation to bones and muscles also has the effect of reducing the risk of weakening of the legs in the future.

Stress relief / mental stability

Running is also effective in relieving stress and stabilizing your mental health. It is said that there are many things in common with zazen, and it is said that it has the effect of stabilizing the mind by continuing to move silently with the same rhythm. By sweating, you can expect stress relief and detoxification effects. It also has the effect of improving blood circulation and refreshing the head, and many talented business owners enjoy running.

The appeal of running at night and early in the morning

Many people think “I want to start running!”, But I think there are many people who are late due to work and have difficulty running during the day. Let’s take a look at the charm of night runs and early morning runs that are easy for such people to work on.

① There is little traffic

It is a time zone when it is easy to run at night and early morning when there is little traffic. You can run in front of the station or in the downtown area where you can’t usually run because there are a lot of people. Please try to develop a new course.

1. You can speed up

In the outer run, the road may be blocked by pedestrians and bicycles, and you may not be able to run as you wish. If you run at night or in the early morning, there is less traffic, so you can run at high speed. The tension rises in the extraordinary feeling, and unexpected time may come out.

2. Do not inhale exhaust gas

Exhaust gas from a car that you really care about when you run outside. If you run at night or in the early morning, there is less traffic, so you don’t have to breathe much exhaust gas even if you drive along the main road. If you’re on the same road during the day, you’ll be amazed at how comfortable it is.

3. Not embarrassed

Especially those who are just starting to run or those who are on a diet may find it difficult to run because they are concerned about their eyes. If it’s a night run or an early morning run, it’s dimly lit so it doesn’t stand out, and there’s no one around so you can run comfortably. Please wear your favorite clothing and run as hard as you can.

② You can see a new appearance of a familiar place

Just by changing the time zone, the familiar town will look completely different. Let’s run in the middle of the night and early morning when the shops are rarely open and the trains and buses are not moving. There may be new discoveries.

1. A town with nobody

Even in places that are usually crowded with people, the time when the train is not moving is often quiet. It feels good to run through a quiet town where you can only hear your own footsteps. Humans are inactive, but nocturnal animals are so active that we often see cats holding their prey during night runs.

2. Beautiful natural phenomenon

In the early morning run, you can see the rising sun, and in the winter you can run while stepping on the frost pillars. In summer, you may be able to witness the moment of emergence of cicadas. One of the attractions of night orchids and early morning orchids is that you can encounter beautiful natural phenomena.

③ Easy to become a habit

Because it’s easy to get started, running is one of the top “hobbies that end with a three-day shaved head.” I think the most common reasons for quitting are “because I’m busy” and “because I couldn’t make time”. Even busy people can easily make time at night and early morning. Once you get into the habit of running at night and running early in the morning, you can continue for a long time.

④ Measures against heat stroke in summer

It’s hard to get into exercise habits because it’s hot. But the heat of summer in recent years is at the murder level. I am not very able to exercise during the day. The temperature is lower at night and early in the morning than during the day, making it suitable as a measure against heat stroke in the summer.

Precautions for running at night and early in the morning

There are many good things in the night run and early morning run, but not all good things. Here are some things to keep in mind when there is little traffic.


There is little traffic at night and early in the morning, and runners and cars are often speeding up. Because it is dark, the outlook is poor and it tends to lead to an accident. Be sure to take measures against accidents, such as wearing highly visible clothing and lights.

Suspicious person / crime

Even in Japan, which is relatively safe, news of suspicious people and molesters is constant. Women in particular need to take good security measures. Men should not be alert. In some cases, runners get drunk or get a job.

Injury / poor physical condition

You may get sprained by a step on a dark road, or you may have heat stroke or hypothermia. Running, an outdoor sport, inevitably risks injury and illness, but you can’t seek help on almost uncrowded roads. Be sure to take measures to prevent accidents and carry a means of communication with you when you run.

Be careful of “Hunting the wall” especially in the morning run!

Sudden hypoglycemic condition “hanger knock” that occurs during long hours of exercise such as running. It is a so-called “out of gas”, and the symptoms include intense hunger, light-headedness, cold sweat, and numbness in the limbs. In the worst case, it will lead to death. Especially in the morning run, if you start running with insufficient energy immediately after waking up, the risk of hitting the wall increases, so be careful. It also tends to dehydrate.

Measures for running at night and early in the morning

Although there are many good points, it is a dangerous night run and early morning run. Next, let’s see the countermeasures.

Run with multiple people

Running with family and friends will eliminate the “no traffic” disadvantage. It will prevent crime, and if there are multiple people, it will be easily recognized by cars and bicycles, so it will also prevent accidents. You can help each other even if you get injured or feel sick on the way.

Carry what to prepare

I think there are many people who “have nothing when they run”. It doesn’t matter during the day, but it’s important to be prepared for night and early morning runs when there isn’t much traffic and you can’t ask for help when something goes wrong. Smartphones, coins and lights are must-have items.

Choosing a course that will be an accident prevention / crime prevention measure

Choosing a course is also important for accident prevention and crime prevention measures. Especially in dark hours, it may not be enough to just say “choose a course with lots of street lights”.

OK example of course setting

  • A course with a good view with wide sidewalks such as along national roads
  • A course with multiple stores that are open late at night, such as convenience stores

Choose a course that has a way to detect danger early and a place to escape if something goes wrong. If you have a problem, it is recommended to set the course based on the “road that the bus goes through”. There are many convenience stores because it is expected to be crowded, and there are many sidewalks where you can get on and off from the bus with peace of mind

Course setting NG example

  • Course through residential areas and large parks with poor visibility
  • Course without street lights such as riverbed
  • A course where there is no escape when something happens even if there are many street lights, such as on a big bridge

The riverbed is the best running course during bright hours, but you should avoid dark hours as there are no street lights and no traffic in large rivers. Choose a course that has a certain amount of publicity and escape. Also, avoid using earphones.

Wear wear and lights with excellent visibility

Choose bright clothing such as white or fluorescent to prevent accidents, especially when driving on dark roads. It is also recommended to wear shining goods such as LED lights. Women should avoid pink and wear monotone, fluorescent blue, fluorescent green and other colored clothing. From a distance, it becomes difficult to distinguish from a woman, which is a security measure. It is also effective to hide your hair with a cap.

Be careful about your diet

Avoid running hungry or full. The points to note differ between the night run and the early morning run, so I will introduce each of them.

Night run

Run at night before dinner, or wait at least an hour and a half after dinner. During running, blood concentrates on the muscles, weakening the gastrointestinal function and leading to indigestion.

Early morning run

Before you run, replenish with 1-2 glasses of water and digestible ingredients such as bananas and jellies. You can prevent hitting the wall (hypoglycemia during exercise). Goods such as energy gel and running yokan are also on sale.

Introducing goods that make night and early morning running safe and comfortable

Night runs and early morning runs with various risks. There are many accident prevention and crime prevention goods that reduce risk and useful goods that you can enjoy more. Here are some recommended goods.

Pouch and bag for smartphones

A must-have item for running at night and early in the morning, a smartphone. It is a way to call for help in case of emergency, and if you register e-commerce, you can shop at convenience stores and vending machines that support e-commerce. But the difficulty is that it is “heavy”. If you want to put it in your jersey pocket, it will shake, pop out of your pocket, or slip down with your jersey. Introducing goods that solve such “trouble”.

Recommended running pouch

A running pouch is one of the goods that you can bring with you. If you want to wear a pouch, the belt type is recommended. It feels like you’re wearing a belt on your clothes, and you don’t feel like you’re wearing it. If you are close to the center line of your body, you can run comfortably because it does not shake easily even if you put a slightly heavy object such as a smartphone.


It may be stored in clothing

If you don’t like the pouch getting stuffy, running pants with pockets between your hips and hips are a good choice. In this position, even if it is a little heavy, it will not shake easily and you will not be bothered. Some have a small coin pocket. You don’t have to worry about the coins jarring.

Useful apps while running

There are many smartphone apps that make running fun and comfortable. However, please do not wear earphones when running at night or early in the morning to prevent accidents and crime prevention.

NRC (NikeRunClub)

Sports maker Nike’s running app “NRC”. You can use it for free, and you can record the mileage, route, time, etc. If you keep a record of the route, you can prove your innocence even when you get a job during a midnight run. There are other similar apps, but the recommended point of NRC is that it has a time reading function every 1km. In addition to being useful for pacing, it also has some crime prevention effects such as restraining suspicious people who dislike popularity.

Coke ON

With the Coca-Cola app, you can shop at compatible vending machines without cash by registering your credit card. Moreover, it is a nice system that you can get “stamps” in the app by walking and running a certain target number of steps, and you can get a drink ticket for free when a certain amount of stamps are accumulated. This is a must-have app for runners.

Highly visible clothing and lights

White or fluorescent clothing is recommended because it has good visibility even at night. Many sports brand clothing has a reflector design, but if you run at night or early in the morning, you should carry shining goods such as LED lights in addition to that. Wearing a light that stands out even from a distance will prevent rear-end collisions with cars and bicycles. Introducing recommended goods.

Recommended outfits for running wear (men’s)

It is a whitish and cool outfit overall. Caps and sunglasses are also recommended running goods. Caps and sunglasses at night? You might think, but the cap acts as a sweat stop. The sunglasses shown in this outfit are for daytime use, but the nighttime running sunglasses protect your eyes from the glare of the headlights of oncoming vehicles, so they are recommended in areas with plenty of street lights.

Recommended outfits for running wear (ladies)

Simple and cute, but with monotone colors to reduce femininity. It is a nice outfit that is hard to be noticed by suspicious people and has a crime prevention effect. It is also a safe point to have a large reflective material on the chest. It will prevent accidents.

Recommended run marker

Shining wristband, run marker. In addition to reflecting on the lights of cars, it also shines with a built-in rechargeable LED light. There are plenty of colors to choose from, which makes it fun to choose.

Recommended LED lights

Clip light is recommended for those who do not like the feel of wrapping around the arm or ankle of the run marker. It can be attached to a pocket or pouch. It’s waterproof so you don’t have to worry if you get sweaty. You can charge it by connecting it to USB.

Use a running machine instead of an extra edition / outer run

Outside runs are not the only option. If you’re still worried about all the measures, you can use a 24-hour gym treadmill. Although it is inferior to the outside run in terms of freshness and the feeling of running, there is no further measure in terms of accident prevention and crime prevention. Since it is in an air-conditioned gym, there is no need to worry about heat stroke or hypothermia, and even if you suddenly get injured or sick, you will always have an AED nearby.


While there are great advantages due to the low traffic and low temperature, there are many points to watch out for in the late-night and early-morning runs. Please take proper measures and enjoy running safely.

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