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How to Draw A Beagle Easily



Beagle Drawing

How to Draw A Beagle. When choosing a dog breed to have as a constant companion, you are spoiled for choice!

Also, check our unicorn coloring sheet.

Some dogs make the best wild watchdogs, while others are known for being sweet and affectionate. Whatever type of dog you are looking for, the fact remains that there are many options to choose from.

The Beagle is one of the most famous dog breeds and even the breed of one of the most famous cartoon dogs: Snoopy from Peanuts! Drawing a Beagle is a great way to show that you love this adorable dog breed.

How to Draw A Beagle

Step 1

With this first step of our guide on how to draw a beagle, you’ll be able to draw this adorable dog’s face!

First, draw some round shapes for the outlines of the eyes and then add more circles for the pupils. There will also be more jagged lines surrounding the eye area for some furry detail.

Next, draw more curved lines for the nose and extend the snout.

We’ll give the dog a big floppy tongue hanging out of his mouth with rounded lines and then draw floppy ears hanging down the sides of the head.

Step 2

Continuing with this beagle drawing, we will now draw the back and tail of this cute dog.

This should be a fairly easy step, and you can start by drawing a simple rounded line for the dog’s back. This extends from the back edge of the ear to the right and then down.

Finally, draw a tail for the dog using a few more curved lines, culminating in a pointed tip at the end.

Step 3

For this third step of our beagle drawing guide, we will draw the first legs of the dog.

The right front leg is relatively short but stands at right angles. The beginning of the chest is also attached to it. Next, use another curved line for the stomach to draw the back leg.

This will flip over to show the dog is sitting so you can draw it with curved rounded lines. With these legs drawn up, we can move on to step 4 of the pattern.

Step 4

In drawing your Beagle, you will add a collar to the body and the final outline. Use curved lines for the collar, then add a little round shape.

Let’s add a heart design to this shape for a cuter touch. Finally, you can use more curved lines to draw the left front leg, which is slightly bent down.

Next, finish the chest outline, which will set you up for some final details in the next step of the guide!

Step 5

Your image already looks amazing, but we must add a few final touches before coloring your creation!

Draw A Beagle

In this step of our beagle drawing guide, you’ll add some sections to the pattern on the dog’s fur, which you’ll then color.

As we draw these sections, we’ll use a few more jagged lines to make each section hairier.

If you like the look of our design, follow them exactly as they appear in our reference image when drawing. You can even create a different pattern if you’d like!

When everything is ready, you can even add some extra details! This could include some fun toys for the Beagle, wallpaper, or other dogs to go with it.

Step 6

Now it’s time for the final step of this beagle drawing! In our sample image, we have offered you the typical colors in which these dogs are usually noticed.

Beagle Drawing

This means that there is a combination of white, dark brown, and tan in the coat colors. When coloring your picture, there are other options to choose from!

You can change the colors to a few soft colors or use your favorite bright colors for a more stylistic image.

Your Beagle Drawing is Finished!

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What Is SEO Cannibalization And How To Avoid It?



The management of the content and the positioning of a portal is decisive to convince Google, and it is especially significant when we talk about businesses focused on online sales

In the digital world in which we live, having a website with well-positioned content is decisive in the good work of our business, and especially if we are oriented to the sales sector.

Apart from having well-written content, we must work and delve into SEO, in order to position in an outstanding way those keywords that are beneficial for our commercial and professional interests.

In this text we will give some basic guidelines, although it is always convenient to consult with an SEO Agency, and especially if our portal uses that commented CMS. One of the most common and effective, and also to manage these SEO cannibalization issues.

In this sense, we must take into consideration that there is a fine line that can unbalance doing it right or doing it wrong. If we stay in this last aspect, one of the frequent mistakes can be SEO cannibalization. This occurs when we try to position a single keyword and we see that in the result of the positioning of our content only one page is positioned, while the rest, with that same keyword, do not succeed.

This is because Google will never position all that content with the same keyword, since, let’s say, it is detecting a kind of ‘spam’. Google detects that we are ‘confusing’ users. The solution is to vary those keywords, with the aim of achieving better positioning and reaching a greater number of users.

This SEO cannibalization is a mistake that is made with some frequency and unconsciously. Normally, this situation is reached due to a lack of control over which keywords are being used, and positioning, when creating that content. But it does not always happen when managing content, other examples are usually when including an article in several categories (in the case of online stores) or when we do not have internal content well linked.
Google, in the end, ends up detecting these small structural errors and penalizes us in the face of users. Bugs that are not of importance as long as they are fixed as soon as possible, and it is not a complicated task.

We are not facing a complicated mission because Google itself has tools that help us solve these setbacks, although in the digital market we can find many other applications (paid, yes) that will help us not fall into this SEO cannibalization. We must go to this resource when we have a portal of a certain size, since solving this through Google Search Console is a more difficult task. In any case, these tools will find us what content we should review when trying to position the same keywords and what sites we should review to correct damaged links.

Analyze and fix

Once we have this analysis, it will be time to apply the solutions to this SEO cannibalization that our web portal suffers.

And what common solutions can we employ? Apart from having professionals who advise us correctly, the basic solutions focus on mixing the contents in a single page that positions us, without complications, as a keyword. And without forgetting to carry out the convenient 301 redirect of the content that we stop using. Otherwise, we correct a problem, but we generate another that does not interest us.

Another solution that we can apply is to use the canonical tag, indicating to Google what content we are interested in positioning so that it can be indexed in its search engine.

But we can also keep both contents, but with some other changes, such as redoing the text of one of them so that there is no keyword confrontation in the eyes of Google. This, on the contrary, requires accurate writing in terms of SEO terms, in order to achieve positioning of both content.

In this way, with these techniques, we manage to eliminate the problem of SEO cannibalization in our portal. Finally, another aspect that is worth mentioning is the CMS that is being used, since the market offers us a diverse range, but not all of them are equally perfect.

If we focus on WordPress, one of the most used when creating a web page, we will not find any problem, since its internal search engine allows us to know which texts use the same terms in the headlines; allows us to have SEO applications installed that advise us on the use of keywords; we can make redirects; use the canonical tag and save different versions of content.

These are some essential measures to apply if we want to keep our portal prosperous, especially if we are talking about stores, since SEO plays a decisive role in the increase or decrease of our sales.

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What is content marketing and the role of plagiarism in it?



Content marketing 

Content marketing is a planned tactic to create and distribute valuable, relevant, and consistent content after plagiarism check to attract and hold a potential audience. It drives profitable customer action as well. In the content marketing approach as a substitute for pitching your products or services, you provide relevant and useful content to your customers to solve their questions.

Copyright laws in content marketing

Whenever you write something, you own its copyrights automatically. Under any circumstance, no one can take your work without your permission. If they violate copyright laws, they will have legal repercussions. Likewise, it is important to go through a plagiarism check to avoid copyright violations in your content marketing strategy. 

Take inspiration in content marketing

You can take inspiration from a well-written blog post or article to enhance your content marketing strategy. You can even use different ideas of articles as your starting point and write a response post. However, don’t forget to cite and link back to that blog and its author. 

Unique content and content marketing

A good content marketing strategy is the recurrent creation and push of new content. If you are creating a huge number of articles, then avoid copying someone else’s ideas. “Borrowing” content seems a very appealing solution when deadlines are hanging over your head, but it is harmful to your content marketing strategy. Unique content has the potential to enhance your SEO and google rankings. According to SEO services providers, one of the most common mistakes that website owners make is failing to check the originality of content that is being uploaded to their website. So before handing over your piece of creation to the audience, go through a plagiarism check. 

Role of plagiarism in content marketing

Plagiarism harms your credibility and causes trouble for the website. If you lose clients because of your plagiarism, don’t think to be sticking around much longer. There are legal consequences if you get caught plagiarizing by Google. When it comes to content marketing, the most important rule is that your content MUST be unique. You can take an idea or even a topic but present it differently. Violating copyright law has plenty of repercussions, and publishing new and fresh content brings many benefits. So make sure that you always create unique content from scratch. 

Plagiarism Ruins the Credibility

Plagiarism is a main concern of the content marketing world. After stepping into the market, you might face a serious issue if you copy content from other websites.

  • If you are copying the main idea and structure without rephrasing it properly, this can raise the issue of plagiarism. Your target audience won’t find such content attractive.
  • If you fail to add credits for the information, it will lead to plagiarism in your content. Such content has no potential to create a sense of new ideas in the mind of your consumers. They will take it as “borrowed content,” and you will lose your trustworthiness.
  • Plagiarism can be present in videos, pictures, graphics, and music. Google will penalize such content, and SEO ranking will drop immediately. 
  • Plagiarized content gets blocked, and then it will destroy your reputation among people and different search engines.
  • Plagiarism also causes safety issues for your content. If you are not putting effort into plagiarism checks before publishing your content, it will go against your brand. You will lose your followers and their trust in your brand’s reputation. Therefore, you must take responsibility for guaranteeing that every piece of writing is authentic and unique.

How to remove plagiarism

You can use a plagiarism tool to detect and remove plagiarism from any of your content.

It is one of the best free online plagiarism checkers that allows you to paste up to 1500 words for plagiarism checks.  This plagiarism detector facilitates you with several grammar and spelling correction options other than the facility to check plagiarism. This plagiarism tool gives you sentence-wise results and options to rewrite the same lines. It provides results in percentages and allows you to download the similarity index to prove your document’s uniqueness.

Benefits of plagiarism-free content

Unique and new content brings a lot of welfares for your content marketing strategy, such as:

Attracts Audience

For successful content marketing, you have to come up with unique and new pieces of content. It will give the audience a reason to choose your website over competitors. For this purpose, you can use a plagiarism checker for detecting and removing plagiarism from any of your content. 

Improves Search Engine Ranking

Content marketing is important for search engine optimization. SEO helps your site’s pages to achieve a high ranking on search engine result pages. The fresh content of your site plays a crucial role and improves search engine ranking immediately. Search engines select top rankings for the sites with plagiarism-free content. 

Creates Backlinks

If your content is plagiarism-free, it can help you to build backlinks for your website. Backlinks play an important role in uplifting your search engine visibility. You can create a powerful impression with unique ideas that will automatically urge the high-authoritative sites to provide you backlinks.

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4 Ways to Increase Your Revenue With SEO



Search engine optimization is a technique of appropriately curating your products and services and making vital changes to your website. The goal is for your websites to gain visibility and generate traffic. For example, if your goal is to attract your audience in Washington you need to apply a concerted Washington DC SEO tactic.

Search engine algorithms are constantly changing. SEO tactics evolve with them. SEO plays an integral role in propelling a business towards success. This article provides good SEO tactics businesses can apply to increase their company profits.

How much do SEO services cost in Washington DC?

On average, Washington DC SEO will cost $100-$250 per hour. On a monthly basis, the average SEO cost may run from $2500-$10,000. Factors affecting the cost actually include the size of your website and competition in your industry.

Write high-quality content

For many business owners, the initial zeal they had in setting up their website declines over time. Thus, your products rarely come up in the top ranks in search engines. To propel more traffic to your website, you have to post content constantly. Not just any content, but high-quality and relevant content. You must factor in that consumer taste can be individual and dynamic.

Make your content attractive to your Washington DC audiences

Washington DC users are on the internet. They are part of the statistic that pushed the United States to the number one spot with 7000 internet service providers. The internet is widely used in the state, and Washington DC residents are constantly looking for quality products and services to be purchased online.

Keyword usage

Keywords are another vital element of SEO. If users are searching for a particular product online, they are bound to utilize keywords related to the product. Thus, your website must contain keywords that will help rank your business on top of the SERPs.

Once you figure out the keywords you want to use, you must decide where to attach them to your content. There are numerous places it can show on your web pages. You can place them on the URLs, image descriptions, email campaigns and many others.

It is also vital that you apply long tail keywords. These are keywords four words and above. Long tail keywords have less competition in consumer searches. Google ad words is a terrific place to start your keywords research.

Use your social media

The use of social media has indeed grown at a fast rate. Nearly 45% of the world’s population is already on social media. People are joining social media platforms and spending hours on engaging content. Thus, it is a no-brainer that it is one of the critical elements of an all-inclusive modern SEO tactic.

On Facebook, about 80% of people log in to find exciting content. It presents an immense opportunity for businesses to benefit from this readily available audience to create brand awareness, sell products, and develop lasting relationships.

Improve Loading Speed

If your page is slow to load, you might get penalties from search engines. It is highly critical to optimize your page speed and server response time. Google utilizes a system that determines the popularity of your website. It adjusts your search ranking according to these metrics.

According to data, 40% of visitors will leave a website if it takes more than three seconds to load. Nearly 80% of those visitors will never revisit that website.

The impact of SEO on Washington DC users

Like the rest of America, Washington DC users rely on the internet for critical activities such as working, shopping, and dating. The life of Washington DC residents is becoming more and more digitized. They are constantly using online services such as email, search engines, video streams, and social media. Because of this, your websites must be optimized to provide them with a hassle-free and stress-free experience. Washington DC residents are high-quality prospects with incredible spending power that can impact your ROI.

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