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Gumroad and Patreon – How Taxes Affect Content Creators



Gumroad Ceo Patreon Substackkonstantinovic

Gumroad and Patreon Using a platform such can help you earn money as a content creator. However, you should be aware of the risks involved. For example, taxes on content creators can affect your revenue.

Gumroad Ceo Patreon Substackkonstantinovic


The founder of gumroad, Sahil Lavingia has been helping creators sell their products online for a few years. Before Gumroad, he worked for Pinterest. While at Pinterest, he helped develop the iPhone app for the site. In 2011, Sahil left Pinterest to start his own company, Gumroad.

The most important thing to know about Gumroad is that it can be used to sell 95 percent of digital goods. This includes ebooks, digital downloads, and physical goods such as T-shirts. The site also has a robust suite of tools to help creators sell their wares. The site also has a robust VC fund, and legal, accounting, and software engineers.

Sahil has made it his business to give his employees the tools to help them succeed. He encourages his team to try new things, work on side projects, and create products that will help Gumroad. In fact, Gumroad now offers memberships to its creators. This will allow them to sell their wares to a larger audience.

Sahil also made the company’s most valuable asset a priority. He knew he would need some capital to get the company off the ground. This led to a few key decisions. One of the first was to cut a large chunk of staff from the original 20. Another was to sell the company’s vision to investors first.

The company also eschewed conventional venture-backed metrics of success. Gumroad recommends an organic approach to marketing and advertising and offers a number of ways for creators to sell their wares to an audience. For example, the site lets users create landing pages, offer codes, and analyze sales. Gumroad also offers a number of ways for creators and fans to interact with each other. It also provides flexible hours, so people can work from home.

Although Gumroad has seen its share of struggles, it’s still worth a look. The company offers a simple promise, and its philosophical approach to business will pay off in the long run. It also has an impressive product. Hopefully, the company’s vision will be realized in the future. The creators of tomorrow will benefit from Gumroad’s thoughtful approach to business.

App store taxes affect content creators

Almost every in-app purchase for iOS apps is taxed by Apple. This is referred to as the “Apple Tax,” and it affects content creators.

Apple has been under fire lately over its 30% cut of the revenue. Critics accuse the company of monopolizing the app store business, but the tech giant denies that accusation. They cite the fact that other app stores charge the same commission.

Apple has responded by launching a small business program that will reduce the Apple App Store cut for developers earning less than $1 million per year to 15%. The program is scheduled to roll out in November. However, the company has yet to reveal the exact details of the program.

Apple has also imposed a new tax on its app store users. This tax applies to the commissions developers pay for paid downloads, subscriptions, and in-app purchases. It also applies to in-app tipping. In-app tipping is where users donate to apps or content creators. This can be done by virtual currency or by paying through an in-app purchase.

In-app purchasing is an important part of the App Store’s business model. Most apps get their revenue from in-app purchases. It’s a major part of Apple’s second-largest revenue stream. In the first quarter of 2019, Apple reported $13.3 billion in Services revenue. However, it also reported a slowdown in iPhone sales.

Apple and Google deny that they are monopolizing the app market. They argue that they charge the fees to help secure the app store and to provide developers with tools and training.

Some of the top apps are betting that users will find other ways to pay for content. One option is to set up digital tip jars for users to donate to content creators. Another option is to refocus on the user experience. Apps that do not qualify for an exemption should get creative.

Apple’s updated App Store policies also designate voluntary tipping via virtual currency as an in-app purchase. It also requires developers to notify their customers about alternate payment methods.

Apple and Google are also targets of a number of attacks on multiple fronts. The company has targeted influential Chinese internet celebrities.

Diversifying your investments to mitigate risk

Investing in several different sectors or assets can help mitigate risk and increase the overall return of your portfolio. Diversification can be a good approach for anyone, regardless of the size of their portfolio or their risk profile.

Diversification means allocating your capital across several different asset types and industries. It can be a simple task, such as buying a broad market index, or more complex, such as choosing stocks from different sectors. The main goal of diversification is to spread out the risk across your portfolio.

Historically, different asset classes have behaved differently in different market conditions. For example, stocks tend to do well when interest rates are high, while bonds tend to do well when interest rates are low. However, this does not mean that they perform similarly at all times.

Having a diversified portfolio can also help mitigate the risk associated with market events, such as a pandemic, like COVID-19. In this case, a portfolio with a variety of stocks, sectors, and industries would have been less likely to experience losses.

Diversification is also important for older investors, as well as retirees. If you have a high-volatility portfolio, diversification is even more important. This is because the value of a portfolio can be negatively impacted when one investment falls in price. Diversifying your investments can also help to balance your portfolio’s loss when some investments do poorly.

Investing in several different assets is the best way to avoid the risk of a single investment performing poorly. In addition, it’s important to diversify your investments outside of your industry. This can be done by diversifying in foreign stocks, commodities, and alternative assets. These asset classes can be difficult to find and are not regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Diversification can be achieved by using an asset allocation fund. These funds include stocks that mirror a specific index. You can also invest in individual stocks, but doing so requires a large investment. If you can’t afford the trading fees, an index fund is a good alternative.

Diversification can help you to mitigate risk, but it cannot eliminate all risks. It is best to diversify when you have time to monitor your portfolio and make changes when the risk level is out of line with your financial goals.

Products that sell the most

Those interested in selling digital products online may want to check out Gumroad. This platform is designed to help creative people sell their work online. Whether they want to sell a book, a video, or a course, Gumroad is a convenient solution.

Gumroad’s founder, Sahil Lavingia, left Pinterest in 2011 to start a company that would allow creators to sell their work. He saw a growing market for selling work, and he believed that a platform like Gumroad would help to fill it.

A platform is a free tool that enables creators to sell digital products. Gumroad also allows for physical goods, like T-shirts. Gumroad also offers payment processing and file hosting. You can list as many products as you want. You can sell a one-time sale, or you can set up a membership service.

The platform also allows you to set up an affiliate program. You can create a code that your affiliates can use to sell your products. The platform will then take 5% of each sale plus 25 cents. Having an affiliate program is important to making money on Gumroad.

You can also create a membership service on Gumroad. Memberships are a recurring source of revenue for many creators. The platform has recently expanded its subscription features. It now allows you to create memberships that allow customers to pay you for pre-orders or monthly subscriptions.

The platform allows you to customize your product pages and your content, which will be available to members. You can include your product description and upload photos and videos to your product pages. You can even embed a subscription signup page. You can also offer discounts, offer codes, and license keys.

Gumroad has a full disclosure policy. It also has an all-star cast of angel investors. However, the platform has recently had a huge blow-up. The company was accused of doxxing people, and it didn’t answer many support emails. It also shut down its ability to delete an account.

Some other competitors include Teachable, Substack, and Ko-Fi. These platforms are similar to Gumroad, but they have slightly different features.

Gumroad Ceo Patreon Substackkonstantinovic On How To Succeed In Your Own First 10 Years

This article lists 10 tips that the Gumroad CEO, Sahil Lavingia, used to see the company’s success. In it, he shares insights on how to grow your career and do what you love–namely staying hungry, defining “tough choices”, and rising to meet challenges.

  1. Have A Revenue Goal
    As the CEO of Gumroad, Sahil Lavingia knows a thing or two about what it takes to be successful in your first years. In a recent blog post, he shared some of his best advice for those starting out.

One of the most important pieces of advice he had was to make sure you have a revenue goal. It’s not enough to just have a goal for your business; you need to know how much money you want to bring in.

Think about what you need to live on and then set a realistic goal for your first year. This will help you stay focused and motivated as you work towards success.

  1. Start Growing Early
    In order to set yourself up for success in your early years, it is important to start growing early on. This means taking the time to develop a clear and concise business plan, as well as working on building a strong team of individuals who can help you achieve your goals. Additionally, it is crucial to focus on creating a positive company culture from the start – this will attract top talent and help retain employees in the long run. Finally, don’t be afraid to invest in marketing and PR – getting your name out there is an essential part of growing a successful business.
  2. Get Feedback From Your Users
    If you’re running your own business, it’s important to get feedback from your users in order to improve your products or services. Here are some tips from Gumroad’s CEO on how to do just that: Make it easy for users to give feedback.
    Make sure there’s a simple way for users to provide feedback, whether it’s through an online form, email, or even a phone number. The easier it is for them, the more likely they are to actually take the time to do it.

Ask specific questions.
Don’t just ask “how was your experience?” but rather drill down and ask specific questions about what they liked and didn’t like. This will give you more actionable information that you can use to improve your business.

Follow up with users who leave feedback.

Whether it’s positive or negative, follow up with the user who left the feedback to thank them for their time and let them know what actions you’re taking as a result of their input. This shows that you’re taking their feedback seriously and value their input.

Spread Your Risk Across Multiple Industries

As an entrepreneur, it’s important to remember that you can’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversifying your portfolio across multiple industries is a smart way to mitigate risk and ensure that your business can weather any storm.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should invest in every industry under the sun. Instead, take the time to research different sectors and look for opportunities where you think you can make a real impact.

Once you’ve identified a few potential industries, it’s time to start spreading your risk. One way to do this is by investing in multiple companies within each sector. This will give you a better chance of seeing success even if one particular industry takes a hit.

Another approach is to invest in different types of businesses within each industry. For example, if you’re interested in the healthcare sector, you could invest in both medical technology companies and pharmaceuticals firms.

No matter which strategy you choose, remember that diversity is key when it comes to mitigating risk. By spreading your investments across multiple industries, you’ll be positioning yourself for long-term success.

Staking Your Claim To A Niche Spaces Is Important

As Gumroad’s CEO, Sahil Lavingia, knows a thing or two about building a successful business from the ground up. In a recent interview, he offered some helpful tips for anyone hoping to do the same in their own first years. Among them was the importance of staking your claim to a niche space.

“If you’re starting a business today, it’s more important than ever to have a very clear focus,” Lavingia said. “There are so many options and distractions out there that it’s easy to get pulled in different directions. But if you can stay focused on your niche, it’ll be much easier to find success.”

It can be tempting to try and be everything to everyone, but as Lavingia points out, that’s rarely a recipe for success. It’s much better to focus on serving a specific group of people with an offering that meets their needs in a unique way. When you’re able to do that, you’ll not only stand out from the competition, but you’ll also be far more likely to build a sustainable and successful business.

Create Something Scarce

As Gumroad’s CEO, Sahil Lavingia knows a thing or two about building a successful business. In this blog article, he shares his top tips for anyone starting out in their own business. One key piece of advice is to create something scarce.

When you’re first starting out, it’s easy to feel like you need to be everywhere and do everything. But the truth is, you can’t be everything to everyone. You need to focus your attention on creating something unique and special that people can’t find anywhere else.

Think about what it is that makes your business different from all the others out there. What can you offer that no one else can? Once you’ve identified your unique selling point, make sure it’s prominently featured on your website and in all your marketing materials.

If you can create something truly scarce, you’ll have a much better chance of attracting attention and succeeding in your first years in business.

Rarely Compete For The Same Customers

If you’re starting a business, it’s important to remember that you won’t always be competing for the same customers. In fact, it’s quite rare for two businesses to be in direct competition with each other.

There are a few reasons for this:

  1. There are always different niches within any market. Even if two businesses appear to be selling the same thing, there will always be some subtle (or not so subtle) difference that makes each business appealing to different types of customers.
  2. Customers rarely make purchasing decisions based solely on price. Sure, price is always a factor, but it’s rarely the only factor. More often than not, customers will choose the business that offers the best combination of price, quality, and service.

3. Even if two businesses are in direct competition with each other, they seldom have an identical customer base. This is because every customer is unique and has their own individual needs and wants. As a result, even if two businesses are selling the exact same product or service, they’ll still appeal to different types of customers.

So if you’re just starting out, don’t worry too much about competition. Remember that there’s always room for another player in any marketplace – as long as you’re offering something slightly different than what’s already out there

Know Who Your Competition Is
Your competition is anyone who is offering a product or service that is similar to yours. This means that you need to research your industry and find out who your target market is. Once you know who your target market is, you can start to identify your competition.

There are a few different ways that you can research your competition. One way is to search online for industry-specific forums and see who is talking about your topic. Another way is to attend industry events and meet people in person. You can also read trade publications to learn more about your industry.

Once you have identified your competition, you need to take some time to research their businesses. Find out what they are doing well and what they could improve upon. This information will help you create a marketing plan that will make your business stand out from the crowd.

Gumroad CEO Danny Konstantinovic

Getting the right CEO to run your business is a crucial step for your company. With the right CEO, you will have a much easier time attracting the right investors, diversifying your revenue streams, and maintaining a positive company culture.

Product analysis

Among the many companies in the digital product sales space, Gumroad has a unique story and a unique vision for the future. This week, we had a chance to speak with CEO Danny Konstantinovic about the company’s origins, the products it’s rolled out, and what’s next. Among the many perks, Gumroad allows creators to work on their own schedule. If you’re lucky enough to find a day free from the office rat race, you can take your work to the next level by putting it up for sale on the open market.

For a company that’s only been around for about a decade, Gumroad’s product list is a pretty impressive one. Aside from digital product sales, Gumroad provides creators with tools to help them build an audience and monetize their work. Among its more noteworthy offerings is the Winner Pulse, a product that allows creators to test out their product’s performance on various online shopping platforms. Gumroad’s business model also boasts a model that allows creators to sell work to their favorite fans and friends.

We also got the chance to ask about Substack, a recent addition to the Gumroad family. The product’s sexiest mascot is a male cat who likes to cuddle. This isn’t a bad thing, as it can help creators connect with their fans on a much more intimate level. Lastly, we had the chance to talk about the company’s ten years in the making. We were able to discuss the company’s recent changes, the pitfalls of being a startup, and where it’s going next. With a slew of high-profile investors, a storied tech lineup, and an enthusiastic community, it’s no wonder that Gumroad is on its way to becoming a household name. If the company can keep its promise to its users, the future is a bright one indeed.

Diversification of revenue streams

Creating multiple revenue streams is a smart move for any business. Not only can it help to mitigate risk, it can also help to increase the value of your company. With multiple revenue streams, you are able to capitalize on different markets and increase visibility. These revenues can come from various sources, including recurring revenue, transactional revenue, and licensing.

Aside from providing a platform for generating revenue, Gumroad has also helped to make it easier for users to sell their wares. This includes tools such as Facebook sharing buttons and Twitter widgets. The site also offers code to help users embed products on their websites.

While Gumroad may not be the first website you’ll think of when you need to sell your products, it has helped to create over 50 million dollars in revenue for its creators. And you can even get paid through PayPal.

For example, Gumroad lets you sell a digital product at a fixed price, a subscription price, or for free. Gumroad also lets you offer personalized buttons and widgets. Gumroad also allows you to set a minimum price for your product and gives you access to a range of financial processing options.

The site also has a few other features, such as a free e-book download feature, a widget to embed a product on your website, and code to embed your products on social media sites. Gumroad also offers a few perks you don’t see in other sites. For example, you can use their API to create a custom-price shopper for your Gumroad store. This will allow you to track your customers’ interests and improve the likelihood that they’ll buy from you in the future.

Despite the fact that there are many sites to sell your digital goods on, you may want to consider diversifying your revenue streams to help you stand out in the crowd. Having a few different sources of income can help you weather tough economic times, and even help you build a scalable business. The more revenue streams you have, the more likely you are to succeed.

All-star cast of angel investors

SV Angel, Accel Partners, Naval Ravikrant, and a whole host of other investors have recently backed the buzzy payment startup Gumroad. The startup is raising $6 million at a valuation of $100 million. It has already received over $1.1 million in seed funding.

Gumroad has a simple promise. It wants to make it easy for artists to sell their work directly to their followers, without having to go through a traditional online distribution system. It does this by protecting transactions through strict PCI compliance. It also provides creators with the opportunity to work at their own pace, while earning money for their work.

Gumroad has a few beliefs that define its strategy, and they will pay off in the end. Unlike many venture-backed startups, Gumroad is not interested in measuring success by how much money it raises. Instead, it wants to be a part of the creator economy. Ultimately, Lavingia wants Gumroad to be the first company that people click on when they see a link to something. This goal isn’t unusual in today’s market.

In addition to SV Angel, other investors in Gumroad include Josh Kopelman, Naval Ravikrant, Chris Sacca, Matan-Paul Shetrit, Dylan Field, and more. The round is also being backed by part-time creators and YouTubers who are on Gumroad. It will continue to raise through crowdfunding until it goes public.

The company has also teamed up with Atomico, which recently launched a new angel investment program to help participants invest $100k in European startups. Gumroad’s founder and CEO, Sahil Lavingia, is one of the participants.

Angel investor Maria Raga is also involved. She previously founded the creator-centric startup Depop, and she has been a part of Atomico’s angel investment program. Raga has also invested in traveltech startup Journee. She has more money to burn than ever, and she is part of the new Atomico angel investment program.

Gumroad has a unique story. It was founded by a 19-year-old college dropout. It has faced many challenges along the way, but the startup is now on track to grow to a $100 million valuation. Ultimately, Gumroad believes in philosophical approach, and its beliefs will pay off in the end.

Simple promise

Founded in 2011, Gumroad was not the most prominent business in its industry. But its founders believed in a vision that would become a part of the broader creative economy. And with a team of all-star angel investors, Gumroad sold its vision to investors before any other company could.

The company grew and developed over the years, but it was never a billion-dollar business. Instead, it was a company that struggled for ten years. However, its philosophy, which rejects the traditional venture-backed metrics of success, ultimately paid off. The creators that make up Gumroad receive payment for their work, and they can choose to work on their own time.

It’s not easy to predict the future of a creative economy, but Gumroad is confident it will succeed. It’s a company that values philosophy over numbers, and its founders are guiding principles that guide their business. As a result, they’ve rejected traditional metrics of success, such as venture capital, and instead use a flexible timetable and flexible working hours. In this way, they’re not just creating a product; they’re creating a culture.

In an interview with The Business of Business, Gumroad CEO Sahil Lavingia reflected on his experiences with the company and talked about its future. Ultimately, Lavingia believes in the creator economy and believes it will continue to expand. There are a number of other companies, like Cameo, Ko-Fi, and Teachable, that are also expanding the creative economy, and Gumroad isn’t alone in its promise. The company has a lot of promise, and its philosophy is one that will pay off in the end. So, if you’re a creator, you should check out Gumroad. It could be the company that takes your work to the next level.


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Characteristics That Set Mega888 Apart From Other Online Casinos



Characteristics That Set Mega888 Apart From Other Online Casinos

The world of online gaming has never been the same since the launch of Mega888. It may be argued that the casino is the greatest online casino for all of your gambling needs because it has accomplished so much in such a short period of time.

There is a list of other online casinos, however the majority of them cannot be compared to Mega888. So what precisely sets Mega888 apart from other online casinos? We’ve put together a collection of justifications to aid you comprehend Mega888’s virtues.

The casino provides patrons with a wealth of amenities. So, these are the characteristics that set Mega888 apart from other online casinos in the gambling sector.

Quality of the Online Casino Overall
Prior to going any further, it is important to note the casino’s general level of excellence. One of the main reasons Mega888 is trustworthy is because it never takes advantage of or scams its customers.

The casino will take steps to protect every player from fraud of any kind, making Mega888 a trustworthy and respectable online casino. The Mega888 team is always developing new features to improve the playing experience.

The high-quality games that Mega888 has to offer are among its best features. The online casino’s selection of games goes well beyond simply having outstanding gameplay. The online casino is top-notch because the games have incredible graphics and the casinos provide outstanding customer service to all of their customers.

Mega888 Has Several Different Games.
The range of games available at Mega888 is one of the premium attractions. Mega888 provides an incredible selection of games, all of which are of the highest calibre. The online casino offers a wide variety of games, including shooting, fishing, and arcade games.

Additionally, if you still think that this is insufficient, players can choose from a number of table games. The developers at Mega888 are constantly working to provide fresh material for the players at the online casino, so whenever a player enters the site, they will find new games.

To keep the platform updated with new games each month, the online platform occasionally undergoes maintenance. Consequently, each time you play at the online casino, you will have a distinctive gaming experience. Players can currently choose from hundreds of slot games, numerous live table games, and much more.

Mega888’s security is impenetrable.
The security of the Mega888 is one of its key characteristics. All gamers at Mega888 are helped by the security system’s design, which protects them from danger or attacks from outside sources. However, this wouldn’t have been possible if Mega888 hadn’t given the security team a sizable sum of money from their annual budget.

This indicates that the online casino places a high priority on security and won’t compromise it for anything. There is no history of fraud or account hacking at the online casino’s security. It demonstrates that the online casino ensures the confidentiality of all player financial and personal information right from the start.

You won’t ever need to be concerned about a hack or scam involving your account. The online casino has a good reputation, and Mega888 has received approval from numerous organisations as a legitimate online gaming platform. Additionally, numerous licencing companies have endorsed the casino, demonstrating that it is a secure and safe location to gamble.

The two-factor authentication barrier that Mega888 has for players between the email and the Mega888 Apk is its best security feature. This means that it would be nearly impossible for any outside attacker to access a player’s account without going through two distinct layers of security.

Additionally, if a hacker tries to steal money from a transaction, the online casino’s management team will immediately transfer the money to the legitimate owner after learning about the behaviour.

The security system’s usage of a 128-bit encryption technique is another observable aspect. The casino maintains sensitive data using this technique, including user names, passwords for Mega888 accounts, and financial information.

The online casino’s high level of encryption prevents many hackers from accessing any accounts. Last but not least, the online casino has a firewall that prevents hackers from accessing the site.

Services for Instant Cash Out Using Mega888
Every online casino has its unique cash-out options, and given that these services are available online, it is crucial for the platform to guarantee that the casino offerings are reliable and prompt. Mega888 ensures that their services are simple to use.

All of Mega888’s services to its players appear to be seamless. All that is required of players is consistency and a willingness to take financial risks when playing at an online casino. The casino has remarkable and simple processes in place so that players may withdraw their money with little hassle.

You must get in touch with a dealer in order to collect your money. You have a number of options for doing that, some of which include WeChat, real-time chat, phone calls, or WhatsApp. Make sure that the choice you choose is practical for you since the dealers Mega888 offers are knowledgeable, competent, and professional.

Every request a player submits receives a response within 24 hours, and any questions they may have will be addressed as soon as possible. Players can retrieve their money in the quickest and safest possible manner in this fashion.

Last Words
Overall, Mega888 might have a lot of characteristics that make it a casino you definitely want to play at. However, before you take the major step of gambling with your own money, it’s crucial to understand more about the games and their rules.

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PHP source code was given backdoors thanks to a compromise of the Git server.



PHP source code was given backdoors thanks to a compromise of the Git server.

The official PHP Git repository was breached in the most recent software supply chain attack, and the code base was modified.

Yesterday, two malicious commits were uploaded to the PHP team’s server, which hosts the php-src Git repository.

Threat actors had verified these commits as if Rasmus Lerdorf and Nikita Popov, two well-known PHP developers and maintainers, had made them.

PHP Git server has an RCE backdoor installed.
Yesterday, two malicious contributions were uploaded to the official PHP Git repository in an effort to corrupt the PHP code base.

The event is concerning because 79% of websites on the Internet still use PHP as their server-side programming language.

The attackers released a mystery update upstream called “repair typo” in the malicious commits [1, 2] that BleepingComputer saw under the guise of a little typographical patch.

Looking closer at the newly added line 370, where the zend eval string function is used, reveals that the code in fact creates a backdoor for quickly achieving Remote Code Execution (RCE) on a website using this hacked version of PHP.

Developer Jake Birchall for PHP responded to Michael Voek, who had discovered the error originally, with the explanation, “This line executes PHP code from within the useragent HTTP header, if the string starts with ‘zerodium’.”

Nikita Popov, a PHP maintainer, explained the following to us via email:

“During a regular post-commit code review a few hours after the first commit, it was discovered. The modifications were immediately undone because they were blatantly malicious “According to Popov, BleepingComputer.

The malicious commit was also done under Rasmus Lerdorf’s identity, the person who created PHP.

But that should come as no surprise because with source code version control systems like Git, it is possible to sign off a change locally under a different identity [1, 2] and then upload the spoof commit to the remote Git server, where it appears to have been signed off by the person listed on it.

According to PHP maintainers, this malicious activity originated from the compromised server rather than from the compromise of an individual’s Git account, despite the fact that a thorough investigation of the incident is still ongoing.

The official PHP codebase has been moved to GitHub.
Following this event, the PHP maintainers have chosen to move the official PHP source code repository to GitHub as a precaution.

We’ve made the decision to stop running the server even though our investigation is still ongoing since we believe that keeping our own git infrastructure is an unnecessary security risk.

Popov stated that the GitHub repositories, which were previously merely mirrors, “would become canonical.”

After this modification, Popov demands that any future code updates be uploaded directly to GitHub rather than the site.

Anyone who wants to contribute to the PHP project must now join the PHP organisation on GitHub.

The same security alert includes advice for doing that.

You would need to have two-factor authentication (2FA) set on your GitHub account in order to join the organisation.

Beyond the two commits that were mentioned, “We’re investigating the repositories for any corruption,” says Popov.

In order to learn the full scope of this attack and whether any code was transmitted downstream before the fraudulent commits were discovered, BleepingComputer contacted Popov and the PHP security team.

Although it might have been cloned or forked in the interim, no tags or release artefacts reflect the changes.

Popov added to BleepingComputer, “The changes were in the development branch for PHP 8.1, which is scheduled for release at the end of the year.

The PHP team has confirmed to BleepingComputer that they want to decommission their git server ultimately and switch to GitHub permanently in the coming days.

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Adobe ends support for Flash today and will start blocking Flash content from January 12; major browsers will block Flash content from Jan. 1  —  It’s the end of the line  —  Adobe scheduled its famous Flash software to end on December 31st, 2020, and today is the day.

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