Simple Steps to Taking a Better Selfies Today
it is a fact, our era is centered on the image . Thanks to new technologies and social networks, we are at a time when self-promotion and staging of ourselves are the order of the day, as well as the digital preservation of memories and moments of life.
According to Le Figaro, more than a thousand selfies are taken every second in the world! A figure that makes us think about the importance of this new practice .
Currently, we take photos of all situations in life, although some better than others. We take ten, twenty, thirty selfies, we are hardly ever satisfied with the image we take. But precisely what does a good selfie look like? And how can they be done?
How to take the best selfie
The first aspect to take into account when taking a selfie is knowing yourself, knowing your characteristics, learning to know what perspective to adopt to get the most out of yourself.
A selfie , beyond being a narcissistic promotion, is also a little learning about oneself, to better understand your body, your face and your expressions. An exercise that, although it does not seem difficult, is actually like a tightrope performance, in which one should not fall, and is in connection with the esteem that one has of oneself.
Of course, it is not a must, but knowing yourself greatly facilitates the task of taking good selfies . Some questions you can ask yourself are:
- How do I position my chin to look more athletic?
- What kind of light suits me?
- Should I squint to look mysterious?
- What’s the difference between my old selfie and this one?
- Is the place where I am suitable to take the photo?
- How can I look natural?
The selfie involves asking these types of questions, and it is not always easy to meet our own expectations . Because it is not only about putting ourselves on the scene, but about showing that we know how to do it , that we have developed a certain confidence in ourselves, and that showing ourselves in the eyes of the world (and our own eyes) is not a problem.
Let’s admit it, the selfie usually has social media as its final destination . Therefore, it is essential to know yourself to photograph good moments and take beautiful images, since the idea is usually to show your best day , your best profile, your best light.
With or without a tripod, with or without a self-timer, this type of self-portrait is not only the symbol of an era, but also of introspection on certain levels. Thinking that you are a model while taking photos is a bit therapeutic, right?
As we have seen, all these questions are important when it comes to taking a selfie , but the material also influences the success and quality of this type of photo.
Best Tools for taking the selfies
The material , be it a professional camera or a mobile phone, is decisive in terms of the quality and the final result of the selfie . In addition, it indicates the interest and importance that we give to the photo that we are going to take, to that moment that we are about to immortalize.
It seems obvious that a photo of you on vacation by the sea will be more effective and more beautiful taken with a professional camera than with a mobile full of sand. But not everyone has the opportunity or the luck to own quality material , and everything is possible for those who put a little intention and love into it!
However, the idea is not to buy a SLR camera for the sole reason that it will make more beautiful or better photos, but rather that you have to work on the result to the maximum . Think of taking a good perspective, a good background, an automatic focus on your mobile, and the photo will already be more beautiful and more pleasant than a half blurred photo.
And, why don’t you help yourself with accessories ? The selfie stick , for example, is a tool that can help you adopt a better posture, which leaves more room for natural expressions by eliminating the hassle of reaching out .
In addition, we could also mention the filters and editing programs / assembly, if your camera is poor, have the objective to improve your photos, revive colors or increase the brightness of a photo. Everything you need to get better photos!
Therefore, thinking about the material, analyzing how it can help you and knowing these tools are essential criteria for taking good selfies . Let’s not forget that this is almost a photographic technique in itself, which might require a private teacher!
On the other hand, although with a compact camera you can probably outdo yourself, keep in mind that with a mobile we can take good quality snapshots . This is corroborated, for example, by the existence of photographic lenses for mobiles. Therefore, it is possible to give a fisheye or portrait effect to your selfie , and thus give your photo a better effect and an optimal finish .
In summary, among the most relevant and useful accessories to make a good selfie , we find:
- The famous selfie stick .
- Filters and editing / montage programs.
- Photographic lenses for mobiles.
- Small pieces to place behind the mobile to keep it more stable with your fingers.
- A small cloth to clean the lens.
- Various applications to apply different effects on the face.
- And many more!
As you can see, with some tricks, it helps and if you do everything possible to have them all with you, it is possible to make a quality selfie with material that is not so difficult to find as well as accessible.
Selfie tip: think about the purpose of the photo
The material is, therefore, very important, and the image we have of ourselves as well. However, without knowing why you took the photo, for what purpose you decided to take that selfie , things get a little more complicated.
So taking a selfie implies, of course, a goal. This same objective may be different depending on the person:
- Post it on social media.
- Send it to a friend or family.
- Keep it for yourself as a souvenir.
- Change your profile photo on Facebook.
- Print it to remember life moments in a concrete way.
- See if you are well groomed or made up (yes, yes!).
- And many other reasons!
As you can see, the selfie is more than just an image ; it is a life tool , sometimes even an ally, when it comes to promoting yourself to others, but also to yourself.
It is also important to opt for natural light and make a perfect focus, to take beautiful photos, where the sharpness , even with the mobile, would almost be confused with the work of a professional photographer.
Taking photos of oneself implies an irreproachable framing , knowing how to capture the moment , a perfect source of light, a photographic equipment that avoids picking up a reflex camera with an outstretched arm … In short, everything that indicates that we know how to use our resources as you would an influencer .
Do you want to use your selfie on social networks and publish it, for example, on your Instagram account ? Do not hesitate to use the filters of the application or those that exist in an attached way. Also remember to accompany it with a nice, funny and witty caption, to make it even more fun. It’s the most common use we make of selfies , so make it fun!
But how? In reality, many selfies are not successful for the simple reason that the face does not transmit, the face is off-center , not tilted enough to make it look good. Take a lively and fun stance , and you’ll win over your audience.
The same happens with the gestures, the attitude, the intention that is given to the photo. A photo taken with a smile is more attractive than one where the protagonist makes faces. A serious face is instinctively more unpleasant than a happy, smiling face.
The Perfect Selfie: Influencer Tips
In these lines we have learned that there are three basic aspects that we have to know to get a good selfie : know yourself, have the right material and know how to use it, and think about the purpose of the photo. Here is a list of tips to improve, and get a selfie of 10/10!
The lighting
Lighting is a key aspect of photography. For all types of photos, lighting is an aspect that the person taking the photo always takes into account. Who hasn’t screwed up a photo with a beautiful background because it was backlit ? Sometimes an annoying shadow slips into the photo. Others, half of the face is very light and the other too dark. Not to mention the hideous red eyes .
In short, we may have already gotten up with the best face, have the top camera on the market and a location of heart attack that if we do not have adequate lighting, the photo will be a real failure.
The natural light is usually a good ally. Sunlight favors our expression and gives an incomparable warmth to our photos. When taking a selfie , take a few minutes to analyze how natural light reflects off your face.
In the first place, the optimal thing is that the sun hits you head-on. Position your face so that the light is focused on your eyes. For this you also have to find the balance between lighting and angle . Do not bend over excessively so that light hits your eyes if this is why you are going to form a double chin.
Although after taking a selfie you edit the lighting , the cameras already regulate the light at the moment you take the photo, try to play with this function! Touch your finger on the screen to indicate the point on the face where you want the light to focus, increase or decrease the light. Also, if your camera or mobile has portrait mode or beauty mode, do not hesitate to take advantage of it. There are a thousand different ways to get a good selfie !
On the other hand, you have surely seen in instagram posts how influencers take advantage of the famous golden hour to take photos. The golden hour or magic hour is the time of day when there is the best light to take photos. At this time of day the photos are left with a special brightness that will make your selfie have a magical touch. But, you’ll have to hurry! This moment only lasts a few minutes.
However, if you do not have natural light, you cannot find the time to go out to take photos or you are not available during the golden hour; you can always opt for artificial light . Unlike natural light, the great thing about artificial light is that you can control and modify it. Try taking selfies in all the rooms of the house to compare the light that each of the bulbs has and thus find the place with the best lighting . We also recommend you get an LED lamp since you can take it to any room in your house, place it where you want and it will always emit an optimal light to take the photos.
The angle
The place where we place the lens is key to getting a good selfie . If you look at the posts on social media, you will see that most of the selfies are always taken from the same angle . The key is to place the camera a little above our heads. That is, when we stretch our arm to take a selfie we should not position the arm perpendicular to our body, so that the screen is right in front of our face ; otherwise we have to raise the arm a little bit, so that the screen is a little higher.
This technique will force us to raise our eyes and deepen our gaze , and thus the eyes will be more showy.
The Expression
The expression on our face conveys a lot. In a full-body photo or one that is not necessarily from the front, the face may take a back seat. The landscape that surrounds us, how we are dressed, the people in the photo … are elements that distract the attention of who sees the photo. Thus, in these photos showing our face is not the main thing, nor is it the objective of the photo.
However, in a selfie photo, the face is everything. Our face is the center of the photo. The expression that we put will transmit one or another sensation to the people who see it. Therefore, to know what expression to adopt, it is essential to know the objective of the photograph .
The WhatsApp profile photo, a photo to post on the networks, a photo to pass to your friends … All of them can be selfies that you take in the same place and with the same light, but the expression you put will change it. that you transmit.
All in all, there are some general tips that can be applied to most selfies:
Do not smile excessively if the laughter is not provoked naturally, as it will be very forced and the lines of expression will be too marked.
Look directly at the lens of the camera , to give depth to your gaze and avoid a photo with lost gaze.
Turn your head slightly to the side , the famous good side!
Find your own tricks and get the most out of it!
What are the best software’s for selfies?
Once we have put into practice all the techniques and tips to take a good selfie and we have a gallery full of photos, there is one last step to improve the photo and get that incredible selfie : editing.
There are endless applications and ways to edit photos; but in this case there is no universal trick. It is about trying the different filters, settings, balances , until we find what to improve suits our face and what we like the most.
Today most mobile cameras already come with the integrated editing option. Without the need for any application, our mobile offers a series of editing parameters that can already considerably improve the quality of our photo.
We can also choose the edition that can be done from a social network, such as Instagram, which has a wide range of editing parameters. The easiest thing is to apply one of the filters you have. Some give more warmth, more lighting, you can modify the color of the photo . If we prefer, Instagram also gives the option to do the editing manually , that is, we can adjust each of the parameters manually. The parameters that are presented to be able to edit are: brightness, contrast, texture, warmth, saturation, color, lights and shadows, sharpness.
Although both the mobile edition and the Instagram edition can help us to considerably improve the photos, there are applications specialized in photo editing that allow us to achieve an optimal result. Although there are a large number of applications to edit photos, we have selected the most popular ones that cover most of the parameters necessary to get a selfie of 10:
- VSCO: has a large number of filters. In addition, these filters are adjustable and customizable. Many of them give a beautiful analog look. It is one of the most used applications among social network users due to its ease of use and good finish.
- Adobe Photoshop: for more professional environments. It is less intuitive than other applications and requires more training to use, but it allows you to adjust more parameters, modify the images more to your liking and even create much more personalized content.
- Adobe Lightroom: to get a professional look quickly. A favorite among influencers for its professional finish and fast handling.
- PicsArt: in addition to filters, effects and parameter adjustment, with this application you can work with different layers. It allows you to draw on the image, superimpose different photos and give your selfies a fun touch .
- Visage: specially created for editing selfies . Its name, visage , means face in French, and allows you to touch up any aspect of your face. You can from removing pimples, dark circles to modifying the size and shape of the eyes.
Definitely, the selfie seems like it will be more than a trend, a real practice , so it would almost be worth going to photography classes.
Smile , they are taking a picture of you!
What are the best ways to get a CSM Agile certification?
Businesses create Scrum teams, allowing team members to express themselves to improve their dynamic development processes. Scrum Masters help these teams deliver continual customer value. Enterprises require the best-certified scrum master. Aspirants should never overlook scrum master classes to obtain certification. Businesses create Scrum teams, allowing team members to express themselves to improve their dynamic development processes. Scrum Masters help these teams deliver continual customer value. Enterprises require the best-certified scrum master. In this post, let’s see the top ways to win CSM Agile certification.
Before becoming a Scrum Master, we must grasp what Scrum is and how it benefits the organization. Scrum is an Agile approach that helps teams tackle sophisticated, adaptable problems creatively and efficiently while maximizing product value. Scrum is reportedly easy to grasp but hard to master. Scrum is a framework that uses multiple procedures and strategies to create the best product.
What is the Certified Scrum Master course?
You may ask what scrum master certification is. Experts in Agile technique lead teams as Scrum Masters. A Scrum Master can boost a company’s success. CSM certification is required to become one. In addition, after obtaining Scrum Master certification, seeking SAFe certification is a strategic move. Scrum Masters with SAFe certification can negotiate difficult, large-scale Agile transformations. This dual certification strengthens leadership abilities, preparing professionals to guide Agile success not only at the team level, but also across whole companies.
The Scrum Alliance’s CSM certification is globally recognized. Professionals who pass the CSM exam and show Scrum terminology, practices, and principles receive this desired credential.
You may create items that improve people’s lives and promote optimism. More specifically, you may make a positive workplace for coworkers and maximize project success.
Obtaining the CSM Certification Process
After discussing the value of CSM certifications, we’ll examine how to get one. This certification has these prerequisites:
1. CSM certification eligibility
Anyone can start with Scrum Alliance’s basic CSM certification. Agile framework beginners who wish to learn Scrum should use it. Scrum may be used in many businesses and teams, so marketers, data analysts, HR experts, and others interested in agile can get certified.
You must complete a two-day Scrum Alliance-certified scrum trainer (CST) training course to receive this credential. Scrum basics, roles and duties, sprint planning, retrospectives, agile requirement analysis, prioritizing product backlogs, and scrum master competencies will be covered in this live and interactive training.
2. CSM certification exam overview
After two days of instruction, participants must pass an online exam to prove they understand Scrum. After completing the exam, participants become CSMs. An outline of exam expectations:
- 50 multiple-choice questions
- One-hour exam
- Minimum passing score: 7%
- Two free attempts
- Accessible in many languages
- Two-year certification validity
3. How much does CSM certification cost?
You must shell out approximately $400 to become a Certified Security Manager. Following the free trials, each further trial will cost $25. Renewal of the certification requirements is required every two years and costs $100.
Ways for top CSM certification courses
To get your CSM agile certification, you need a good training program that covers Scrum principles and practices. Excellent CSM certification training programs are listed below:
- Authorized Scrum Alliance training providers: The governing organization for certifications authorizes numerous training providers. Certified Scrum Trainers lead CSM training at these institutes.
- Agile and Scrum training institutes: Numerous institutes provide extensive CSM training. You can consider Simplilearn, which has the best trainers.
- Online training platforms: It provides CSM training for self-paced learners or those with scheduling constraints.
- Corporate training programs: Some companies provide in-house CSM training to improve Agile procedures.
Below are all the Scrum Master certification exam preparation methods:
- Scrum Plan
Certified Scrum professionals understand Scrum methodology and application. Starting the course requires time and effort, so you should have both. The certified Scrum Master course covers Startup, Attitudes and Abilities, Requirement Refinement, Planning and Protecting, and Adaptive Planning. Before taking the Scrum exam, you give yourself enough time to study.
- Read the Scrum guide
Learn Scrum via the Scrum Alliance. This includes sourcebooks and classroom resources on all Scrum topics. This underpins the Certified Scrum Master exam. When studying for the Certified Scrum Master test, use the Scrum guide to plan your efforts.
- Check Scrum ideas
You must understand four core ceremonies rather than the various Scrum terms and methods. Knowing these concepts and techniques will help you understand Scrum better.
- Sprints should last four weeks or fewer and be identical.
- Sprints should be continuous.
- A sprint should produce a marketable product.
- Comprehensively cover course
The CSM course includes PMI-ACP courseware for a year. You have enough time and material to prepare for the Certified Scrum Master test. Scrum and Agile concepts, values, and artifacts must be completed before the exam to ensure thoroughness. Before the exam, you should understand Scrum’s roles, rules, and agile procedures.
- Try Scrum Open assessment
Open evaluations and practice examinations are better CSM exam preparation ways. Select a few mock tests and improve your scores. Complete self-evaluation of your mock test performance will enhance your CSM exam preparation. CSM certification may allow several exam attempts.
- Learn Agile
Scrum is an Agile technique with four ideals and twelve principles. These ideals and concepts help the project team accept Agile project management. Agile methods will improve CSM concepts and CSM exam performance.
- Attend bootcamps and forums
You can also prepare for the Certified Scrum Master exam by talking to experienced peers. In such groups, professionals of various levels are preparing for the exam. Social networking is best for finding these communities. Contact trainers and CSM specialists for methodology and test preparation advice.
- Ensure idea retention
Beyond tests, Scrum ideas are essential. Linking topics to real-life situations can help you remember them till the exam. Known as mind mapping, applying curricular principles to real-world scenarios enables you to remember and use them. Scrum textbooks may include mind mapping.
End note
Enrolling in the right platform makes CSM certification easy. The certification is ideal for professionals who wish to lead and manage the Scrum Team. It’s the perfect time to develop job prospects across all Agile-implementing industries. Participants study the foundation of Scrum and the scope of Scrum roles in this course. The Scrum Alliance membership enables candidates to network with professionals worldwide and boost their industry.
EnglishWise: Unlocking the Path to Proficiency
Obtaining fluency in EnglishWise is of critical importance in today’s interconnected society. Learning English might be difficult, but it’s worth it in the end. This article delves into the complexities of studying English and offers advice on how to deal with the confusion and frustration that students often experience.
The Importance of English Proficiency
English competence offers doors to opportunity, from job progression to cultural enrichment. Learning English is a game-changer if you’re a student, a professional, or just someone who wants to open up more doors in life.
Common Challenges Faced by English Learners
Language Perplexities
The complexity of the English language, with its extensive vocabulary and sophisticated syntax, is a major barrier to its acquisition. A methodical strategy is required for navigating the linguistic complexities.
Tackling Burstiness in Learning
When students meet idiosyncrasies in their target language’s usage, they experience a burst in their learning since it is more difficult to anticipate patterns. Overcoming this burstiness demands dynamic tactics geared to real-life conditions.
Strategies for Overcoming Language Perplexities
Building a Strong Vocabulary
Expanding Your Vocabulary Vocabulary is the lifeblood of each language learner’s arsenal. Your vocabulary may be greatly expanded via the use of mnemonic devices, flashcards, and contextual learning.
Mastering Grammar Rules
Consistent practise is the best way to learn and internalise grammatical principles. Take part in practise sessions, tests, and practical applications to cement your understanding of English grammar.
Navigating Burstiness in English Learning
Immersive Language Practice
Put yourself in an environment where English is spoken and heard often. Expose oneself to several forms of language through media consumption.
Consistent Listening and Speaking Exercises
Overcoming impulsiveness requires consistent practise in both listening and talking. Participate in conversation, enrol in language-exchange programmes, and use digital tools to enhance your learning experience.
The Role of Context in Language Learning
Real-Life Conversations
Real-world discussions are when language truly shines. If you want to learn more about the culture and background of a language, try to have conversations with native speakers or language partners.
Cultural Understanding
The depth of your communication will increase as you study the cultural norms surrounding language use. Learn about different cultures by reading about and participating in their practises and literature.
Personalizing Your Learning Journey
Tailoring Learning Resources
Choose materials that relate to what you want to learn and how you want to grow as a person. Be fluent in both corporate and everyday English, and adjust your approach accordingly.
Setting Realistic Goals
Establish reasonable benchmarks to measure your progress. Maintaining motivation and making consistent progress over time is greatly aided by setting reasonable goals.
The Power of Active Engagement
Participating in Language Communities
Participating in linguistic communities encourages involvement. Creating supportive learning environments involves discussing language-related issues, seeking guidance, and sharing experiences.
Using Language Learning Apps
Use language-learning applications to take advantage of modern technologies. To keep your learning on its toes, these resources provide quizzes, challenges, and other interactive courses.
Overcoming Common Hurdles
Fear of Making Mistakes
Accept failures as opportunities to learn and grow. Fear of making errors can be a roadblock, but seeing them as chances to learn and improve can spur development.
Impatience in the Learning Process
Learning a new language takes time. Impatience is a major demotivator since it leads to frustration. Develop perseverance and relish interim successes.
Embracing a Growth Mindset
Adopting a growth attitude greatly aids the learning process. Keep in mind that you should hone mastery as a fluid ability by practising and gaining experience with each new obstacle.
Progress Tracking and Celebrating Achievements
Keep tabs on your development and recognise your successes, no matter how minor. Recognising your development keeps you motivated and devoted to your language learning goals.
EnglishWise: A Comprehensive Learning Solution
Learn how EnglishWise can help you succeed as an English learner by exploring this all-encompassing website. EnglishWise helps you reach new heights in your competence with individualised modules, instantaneous feedback, and engaging training.
Testimonials from Successful Learners
Hear from people whose lives have been changed by EnglishWise. Their achievements serve as examples of the platform’s potential and as proof of its success.
Beginning the path to English fluency calls for commitment, strategy, and support. Learners can succeed in their language-learning endeavours if they face the complexities and disruptions that they will inevitably encounter head-on.
How long does it take to become proficient in English?
The time it takes to become fluent varies, but regular practise and total immersion might help you get there faster.
Can I learn English on my own without formal classes?
Absolutely. Self-study may be an effective strategy if time and effort are invested.
Is EnglishWise suitable for all proficiency levels?
Yes, EnglishWise is suitable for students of all skill levels.
What makes EnglishWise different from other language learning platforms?
EnglishWise is unique due to its customised learning experience, dynamic lessons, and immediate evaluation.
Understanding Gacha Sex in Gaming
The game industry has changed drastically in the digital era. One of the most talked-about movements is the idea of “Gacha Sex.” The ramifications, debates, and effects of Gacha Sex on persons and relationships will be investigated in this article.
What is Gacha Sex?
Gacha Sex is a sexual activity named after the popular “Gacha Games.” You may get virtual things, personalities, and clothing in these mobile games by spending virtual cash on a random reward system. Gacha Sex, on the other hand, is shorthand for the sexy dialogue and behaviours that have become standard in these games.
Gacha Games: A Brief Overview
Theyare the bedrock upon which Gacha Sex is built, therefore familiarity with them is required before proceeding. These games provide players the possibility to take part in a purely random lottery experience. Gacha games are entertaining because their prizes are always a surprise.
The Controversy Surrounding Gacha Sex
A lot of parents, authorities, and gamers are worried about it. Opponents say it puts young people at risk of addiction and psychological damage by exposing them to violent and sexually explicit content. Gacha Sex has been called for regulation due to its graphic nature.
The Legal Aspects
Its borders are unclear from a legal sense. What is legal and what is not might be difficult to pin down because rules differ from country to country. There is already a lot of confusion about the topic, and this doesn’t help.
Risks and Concerns
It exposes young people to sexually explicit information, encourages behaviour similar to gambling, and can normalise sexual themes. The suddenness of this information might be distressing to gamers’ minds.
Gacha Sex and Its Impact on Relationships
The effects of it extend beyond the player. When one spouse gets preoccupied with Gacha Games to the exclusion of anything else, the relationship might suffer.
Recognizing Gacha Sex Addiction
Recognising the symptoms of it addiction early is key for addressing addiction issues. These symptoms include spending a lot of money on virtual products, isolating yourself from friends and family, and ignoring their duties.
How to Stay Safe
As a parent or player of Gacha Games, you may take precautions to avoid harm. Time limits, in-game purchase controls, and parental controls are all useful tools.
Regulation and Guidelines
There is a rising demand for industry-wide regulation and clear standards to limit the negative features of it. Players will be shielded from inappropriate material and monetary abuse in this way.
Parental Control and Responsibility
The gaming experiences of children rely heavily on their parents, who play a crucial role in keeping them safe. Parents should learn as much as they can about the games their kids enjoy so they can keep a close eye on them and establish appropriate limits for their use.
Positive Aspects of Gacha Games
Despite the criticism, Gacha Games do have some redeeming features. They foster critical thinking, originality, and problem solving. When played sensibly, they may provide hours of fun.
Gacha sex is a complicated problem in the game business. While there is potential for thrills and payoffs, there are also serious hazards, especially for younger players. The problems associated with Gacha Sex can be mitigated via education, ethical play, and regulation.
1. What are Gacha Games?
In Gacha Games, the user spends virtual cash to randomly acquire in-game objects, characters, or clothing.
2. What is it?
Concerns about the influence of Gacha Games, especially among young people, have led to the term “Gacha Sex,” which describes the games’ graphic and sensual nature.
3. Is Gacha Sex regulated by law?
It is a confusing and difficult legal subject since its legislation differs from nation to country.
4. How can parents protect their children from its content?
Parents may limit their children’s gaming time, become familiar with the games their kids play, and utilise parental settings to keep their kids safe online.
5. Are there any positive aspects to it?
When played carefully and in moderation, Gacha Games can indeed aid in the development of these traits.
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