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Maximizing Your Business’s Energy Efficiency in the UK



Saving energy is the easiest way to reduce business costs. Making small changes in the process in which your business energy UK uses energy gives you big savings. 

You have to need to check your meter readings regularly. This is essential to understand how much energy is used in your business and how you make the biggest energy cost savings.

With energy bills, introducing measures to minimize energy use in your business can improve your sustainability credentials and save you money.

By installing low-cost utility energy provider efficiencies measures, such as smart timers or LED lighting, your business could start to reduce costs and save energy. 

By installing energy efficiency measures you should make a more comfortable work environment, reduce energy bills, increase profitability, reduce exposure to future energy price rises, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Improve energy efficiency in the UK

There are different ways to improve your business to make it energy efficient:

  • Minimize your heating 
  • Fit insulation
  • Double or triple glazing
  • Use a new or energy-efficient boiler
  • Energy-efficient fittings
  • Produce energy from renewable sources

Tips to maximize energy efficiency in your business

To help you save money in your business, below are some tips for low-cost energy efficiency measures that are easy to carry out.

Sustain your equipment

The most common factor around all the measures is the need to sustain your equipment to ensure it’s operating efficiently. 

So, these are including cleaning light fittings and windows to keep compressed air filters and ventilation clean, checking door seals, and repairing leaks and holes.

Measure your energy savings

There is one important thing that you read your meters regularly. Because this will help you know how your business energy UK is using energy and where much energy is being wasted.

Oversight your heating

Always try to minimize heating temperatures in the winter by one degree. Because this temperature can reduce your heating bill by up to eight percent. 

On the other hand, in summer, maximize the set point for your air conditioning. You need to make sure that thermostats are accurate by placing them away from direct sunlight and draughts.

Avoid wasting heat

When heating or air conditioning is running, you need to keep doors and windows closed. Always ensure that your premises are well-insulated, and fitting draught excluders should be very cost-effective, with little payback times.

Squeeze your air costs

Pressed air is frequently generated at maximum pressure. For example, maximizing pressure by 10% can lead to 5% savings in energy. 

Make incremental, small reductions, inspecting that operations are not affected. Also, check and fix leaks regularly, even a small leak can cost you a large amount per year in wasted energy.

Switch your lights

The energy, department for business, and industrial plan gauge that switching from normal bulbs to LEDs can save energy for businesses up to eighty percent in raising energy costs. 

While combining LEDs with sensors that turn lights on automatically in rooms helps you to save even more energy. And the most essential thing is don’t forget to use natural lighting, where possible.

Update your equipment

The kitchen appliances and old IT equipment can guzzle a lot of energy. So, remove the things you don’t need and replace essential equipment with energy-efficient alternatives. 

Maximize airflow

The incorrect workspace layout can use up more energy and block heat. However, there is a need to improve airflow by moving workbenches, filing cabinets, and sofas away from radiators. 

If you have air conditioning units in your business energy UK place, give the fans, filters, and vents a regular clean so they work efficiently.

Block draughts

It is easy to spam draughts and just crank up the hotness if you work in an old building. But this can be avoided frequently. Double-glazing effectively reduces heat loss if you want to invest for the long term. 

Alternatively, heavy curtains, draft excluders, and closing the blinds as the sun goes down are effective affordable ways to increase energy efficiency in your business.

Order an energy audit

Large businesses need to make an energy audit by law, whereas small businesses are not. But many small businesses do them anyway and get them very beneficial. 

An energy audit is essential for a thorough assessment to know how you use energy equipment, your heating habits, and more. However, by understanding your energy output in-depth, you can identify different ways to save energy.


The increasing cost of utility energy provider has put a strain on many areas across the UK, because they are facing an unparalleled rise in wholesale electricity and gas prices. 

However, by following the above tips you need to draw up an action plan for the energy efficiency of your business.


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What is the Average Cost of Solar Panels and Home Installation?



According to the U.S Energy Information Administration, the average American used 10,649 kWh in 2019.

Depending on the state, that would amount to an average of $200 a month in utility bills. That’s why many people are looking into the cost of solar panels.

The average cost of solar panels has seen a decrease in price due to different factors. Now is the time to make the transition to a more cost-effective energy system. Let’s take a look at the factors that influence the cost of solar panels!

Electricity Needs

First of all, you must consider how much electricity you want them to generate. The average cost per watt is between $2.51 and $3.31. If you need solar panels that produce 5 kW (1 kW is equal to 1,000 watts), you can expect to pay an average of $11,000.

Type of Solar Panels

Not all solar panels are the same. There are different factors you must consider when thinking about the average cost of solar panels. The cost of one solar panel can be as low as $5,000, but at the same time, some larger ones can cost up to $40,000.

It comes down to what material you choose for your solar panels. Monocrystalline is a lot cheaper but not the most efficient. In comparison, polycrystalline is very efficient and considered the best material for solar panels, but it’s expensive to install.

Your Home

The size of your home also factors into the cost of solar panels. As you can imagine, a bigger house will need more panels than a smaller one. The good news is that most homes only need 10 to 30 panels to supply all of their energy needs.

Average Cost of Solar Panels 

Once you figure out the average cost of solar panels, you’ll also need to factor in how much the installation will be. Most reputable solar panel companies, like Blue Raven Solar, will explain in detail the cost of the installation as there are many steps involved.

Let’s take a look at a few things that influence the final installation cost:

  • Permits
  • Design
  • Size of home
  • Number of panels

The company will need to design a solar panel system specific to your home’s layout and energy needs. Additionally, you’ll need specific permits from your state to be able to start the installation. The amount you must pay for each permit may vary from state to state.

Switch to a More Efficient Energy Supply

The initial cost of solar panels may be expensive, but it’ll save you thousands of dollars in the long run. On top of the fact that you’ll be saving lots of money, you can also feel happy that you’re investing in a cleaner future for the environment. Don’t wait any longer, and contact your nearest solar panel company to start saving money.

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Everything You Need To Know About Neodymium Block Magnets



Permanent solid magnets consisting of an alloy of neodymium, iron, and boron are known as neodymium magnets (also known as “NdFeB,” “Neo,” or “NIB” magnets). They are members of the rare earth block magnets family and have any permanent magnetic characteristics. They are favoured by many consumer, commercial, industrial, and technical applications due to their high magnetic strength and cheap cost.


  • Why do neodymium magnets have such a powerful magnetic field? 

Because of its high saturation magnetisation and resistance to demagnetisation, neodymium magnets are called strong. Strong neodymium magnets are more expensive than ceramic magnets, but they pack a tremendous punch! One of the most significant advantages is using a smaller NdFeB magnet to get the same result as a bigger, less costly magnet.

  • What is the lifespan of neodymium magnets? 

Suppose their physical characteristics stay unchanged and they are not brought in contact with demagnetising forces. In that case, neodymium magnets will likely lose less than 1% of their flux density during ten years (such as high temperatures, opposing magnetic fields, radiation, etc.).

Neodymium magnets are less prone to cracking and chipping and are less expensive than rare earth block magnets such as samarium cobalt (“SmCo”). They are, however, more temperature-sensitive. Because its magnetic characteristics are incredibly stable at higher temperatures, SmCo may be a superior option for applications where this is important.

  • What are some of the most frequent neodymium magnet applications? 

Neodymium magnets are commonly found in audio equipment (microphones, headphones, and loudspeakers), hard disc drives, pumps, bearings, MRI scanners, electric vehicles, wind generators, high-performance motors, actuators, magnetic therapy, anti-lock braking systems, levitation devices, door latches, model making, arts & crafts, home improvement (DIY-fixing furniture, hanging pictures, and more), POP displays, and more.

  • When it comes to neodymium magnets, what are the optimum temperatures to use? 

Without careful magnetic circuit design, these magnets should not be used at temperatures over 130° C (240° F).

  • Is it necessary to treat neodymium magnets? 

In humid circumstances, magnets that are not painted by a surface coating (such as plating) may rust.

  • What are the most popular techniques for putting neodymium magnets together? 

“Super glues,” such as Loctite 325, are often used to combine neodymium magnets into goods. For the most remarkable results, make sure the bonding surfaces are clean and dry.

  • What does permanent magnet mean in Physics? 

The bulk of magnetic materials accessible today are permanent magnets. Unlike electromagnets, permanent magnets are ferromagnetic materials with magnetic fields that do not switch on and off. Permanent magnets, including neodymium, alnico, ceramic (ferrite), and samarium cobalt, are available in a broad range of forms, sizes, and grades.

  • What is the definition of a rare-earth magnet? 

Rare-earth magnets are the most powerful permanent magnets available today, producing magnetic fields that are considerably stronger than ceramic (ferrite) or alnico magnets. Rare-earth magnets come in two varieties: neodymium and samarium cobalt.

  • What criteria are used to evaluate magnets? 

The maximum energy, residual product induction, and coercive force of magnets are considered while rating them. 

  • What does it imply to have “approximate pull info”? 

The estimated pull information provided is for informational purposes only. These figures are based on the assumptions that the magnet will be connected to a 1/2″ thick mild steel plate that is level and ground. Coatings, corrosion, uneven surfaces, and some climatic conditions may decrease the draw force considerably. Please ensure that the natural pull is tested in your application.

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Why You Should Hire A Commercial Solar Installer



hire a Commercial Solar Installer

When you think about solar energy, what comes to mind? Probably panels on a rooftop, right? And while that’s definitely a part of the equation, solar installation is far more than that. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why you should hire a commercial solar installer and how they can help your business in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine. From increased energy efficiency to reduced emissions, don’t wait any longer; get in touch with a commercial solar installer today!

Commercial solar panels installer

What is a Commercial Solar Installer?

Commercial solar installers are professionals that know how to design, procure and install rooftop solar systems for businesses. They have the knowledge and experience to help your business save money on energy bills while increasing environmental awareness. Here are a few reasons why you should hire a commercial solar installer:

  • -Solar is becoming more affordable every year
  • -Commercials can save up to 30% on their energy bill with rooftop solar
  • -Installers have years of experience installing solar systems
  • -They can help your business become more environmentally friendly

Types of Solar Installers

Commercial solar installers are the perfect choice for anyone looking to take advantage of solar power. They have years of experience installing Commercial solar panels and know exactly what is needed to get your system up and running as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  • -They have the experience needed to get your project done on time and on budget.
  • -They are familiar with all the latest technologies and equipment, so they can ensure that your system is installed correctly and meets your specific needs.
  • -They have a large network of suppliers and contractors who they can draw on for help with installation, maintenance, or troubleshooting.
  • -They offer a full range of services, from design and installation to post-solar consulting.

How much does a Commercial Solar Installer Cost?

Commercial solar installers can vary in price depending on their experience and services offered. However, a typical commercial solar installer might charge anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 for an initial consultation and installation. Additional costs may include permits, engineering fees, and warranty work.

Overall, commercial solar installations can be very cost-effective and provide significant savings over time compared to traditional energy sources.

If you’re thinking about going solar, but aren’t sure where to start, you may want to consider hiring a commercial solar installer. Commercial solar installers are experts at installing solar systems for businesses and organisations of all sizes. What’s more, they typically have a lot of experience with different types of systems, so they can help you choose the best one for your needs. 

Here are some key things to keep in mind when selecting a commercial solar installer:

Cost: Commercial solar installers typically charge a higher rate than residential installers do, but this is because they have more experience and are better equipped to handle larger projects.

Experience: Commercial solar installers typically have a lot of experience installing systems for businesses and organizations. This means that they’re able to get your system up and running quickly and hassle-free.

Systems: Commercial solar installers are often able to recommend the best type of system for your needs. They’ll know what features are important to you and what will work best for your business.

Location: You’ll want to find a commercial solar installer who has experience working in your specific location. This will ensure that the system is installed properly and that you’re getting the most out of it.

Who should hire a Commercial Solar Installer?

If you’re thinking of installing solar panels on your commercial building, it’s important to find a qualified installer. 

Here are five reasons to consider hiring a commercial solar installer:

  1. Quality installations: A good commercial solar installer will have years of experience installing solar panels on commercial buildings. This means that they’ll be able to ensure a quality installation that meets your specific needs.
  2. Flexible scheduling: Commercial solar installers are often available for same-day or 24-hour service. This means that they can accommodate your needs regardless of the time of day or week.
  3. Knowledge and experience: A good commercial solar installer will have extensive knowledge about commercial building materials and how best to install solar panels on them. They will also have plenty of experience working with different types of businesses.
  4. Financial stability: Commercial solar installers are typically very financially stable, meaning that they’re able to offer stable prices and long-term commitments. This makes them a reliable option when it comes to investing in renewable energy technology.
  5. Regional expertise: Many commercial solar installers have a regional focus, meaning they know which parts of the country have the best opportunities for installing photovoltaic systems. This can make it easier for you to find an installer who is familiar with your region’s climate and construction standards


If you’re considering installing solar panels for your business, it’s important to have a knowledgeable commercial solar installer on your team. Hiring an experienced professional will ensure that your solar installation goes smoothly and that you get the most out of your investment. Think about it – who better to help you save money and reduce emissions than someone with years of experience in the industry? Give Solar Choice a call today to find out more about our commercial solar installation services.

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